In one sentence, make me laugh

In one sentence, make me laugh

Quality post

Women's rights are important

Genitals do not equal gender

all black people are not niggers

9/11 was an inside job


Almost lost it

Time flies when you're a faggot


Donald Trump

a fuck and a Durp walk into a bar

These aren't even full sentances


If you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

Your life.


Lold like a bitch

Back in the day they didnt make watches for women because there is a clock on the stove

I regularly visit Sup Forums and I have a good relationship with my parents and peers


Black Lives Matter

Mein Kampfcakes


I don't think cats take batteries.

A Buddhist walks up to a hot dog bender and says "I want one with everything."

Lol. Wtf r u serious

Lost it

The spirit of harambe will live on in my dick.

funny if youre a 12 year old egglord. btw thats pretty eggy my dude

She had a face like a bag of smashed crabs


Let's get our dicks out for harambe.

Find it you beta virgin bubblegum pussy ass bitch ho

wtshit. dont ever disrespect harambe weenie

that's more the spirit

The typo worked better



Black lives matter.

>Because I have a penis, this makes me more of woman than every woman out there

-Bruclyn Jenner, woman of the year

hitler was wrong.


lmfao. What was that guy trying to do?

I like it.

Damn you now i wanna see some hot dog bending


I think he wanted the bullet to pass through is cheeks. He's completly retarded. Idk why but it looks to me that he was driving at the same time too.

I come from a town so small, we had a fraction for a zip code.

He wants to be a famous rapper and needed street cred

Correcting people on the internet is funny

There are more than two genders.

Women should earn the same as men

Western world feminism deals with real problems

OP doesn't suck cock at all