What does b think of Edward Snowden?

What does b think of Edward Snowden?

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i can't even remember what he leaked, frankly.

He is either - an NSA plant or a misguided idealistic young person who sacrificed his future and freedom for nothing. Even though the public now knows they are being cataloged and spied on most people don't care. The only laws that will change will be the ones giving the intelligence agencies more power and secrecy to prevent more snowdens in the future.


He should been given a medal. Instead the 2 ruling parties of this pretend democracy want his head.

kids are blinding giving up privacy these days.

what this user said


it's true no one does care. it could have been a float to see if anyone reacted horribly. and no one did.

if they weren't spying they certainly are now.

hell they are chanting for them to take their rights away

The real American hero.

I thought he was a hero at first and now I think he's probably still working for U.S. military.

Think about it.

>Leaks what, bullshit that makes agency seem more powerful
>Goes to several embassies, probably bugs entire nations in meantime
>Continues to boast about how awesome nsaaaa is.

This about it. He was training in the army for special ops warfare. What better way to use him than to make our intelligence apparatus seem invincible and in the process garher more Intel on other diplomats and countries.

he's probably hacking the DNC as we speak

"Breaks both legs" during training exercise
Gets dismissed from military? Then happens to go and leak a bunch of nonsense everybodty knew.

Definitely had deterred more leaks and whistleblowers. If anything Snowden is a hero for the Army Intelligence Organization

The DNC hack just seems like a nice story to make people focus on retarded emails and not the fact that 39 states only had about 25-50% votes counted.

He's a spy.
He tried to say that the 1% of shit that was good for the US public to know makes up for the 99% other nations shouldn't have known.

He is directly responsible for the deaths of us citizens.

Nobody cares because we all know that the rich elite and the government own everything and everyone, and they'll do whatever it takes to keep it that way. Heil Satan!

Depends what the contract on him is worth

Like hillary?

Don't even get me started on here.

Out of the 25 people or so, from all parties, that campaigned this year she is by far the worst.

>99% other nations shouldn't have known.

do you really think anything snow-den released was not already known by foreign intelligence agencies ? They have there own spy's in the NSA.

Idk ask Germany how happy they were when it came out.

Even if the nations knew it made their leaders look like bitches for not doing anything about it.

They will Fuck us the first chance they get because their people will demand it.

Everyone already thinks USA is arrogant as fuck. This is just another reason to try and fuck with us.

I think he is overrated because I do not hold digital communication to the level of privacy that Americans think they (should) have. The Patriot Act was obviously written to facilitate spying on its own citizens and it was nice Snowden proved that it was happening. It simply did not surprise me.

What did surprise me was the US Congress members who claim that they did not understand the permissions the law gave NSA. Snowden certainly ranks high above those fools.


Fucking snitch. Snitches get ditches.

Shill. Look at what he's done objectively. He clearly has helped the us intelligence agency

Fucking faggot. If he would have done the right thing and reported it and then stayed I'd feel some compassion for him. But he ran away and the only thing that saved his treasonous ass is obama is a pansy.

yeah except primaries are not required to be democratic in any way so why would they care? picking candidate by popular vote dates to the 1970's.

they can just declare any one candidate if they wanted to. but they think that, rightfully, anyone who gets the popular vote in the primary has a better chance in the general election

Great fine man.
greetings Finnfag

He's a good man.

trader , and should be tried for treason.

I'm not against all the leaks but some went too far.

You deserve to have all of your freedoms taken from you with an attitude like that.

i feel like it's good to have a penalty for this shit. that way you really have to weigh if it's worth it or not.


Peoples Champion.
Doing what needed to be done.

He worked downstairs from me, he was an idiot. I laugh so hard when folks think he holds any skill or ability to hack. He had access to what he stole because he had a clearance for it and abused that access nothing more. A complete dumb ass.

Saved. Anything I should know?

ITT: Delusional milinials

Look I understand the argument but some things dont need to be released . For national security purposes and the safety of named people. He should be tried for treason plain and simple. Do I think he should be punished by death? No but he needs to pay a price. He could have released only the sensible stuff but he went too far.

Repost when you can.

PRISM is more then "nonsense"

You are crazy nigga

Im too simple to understand this. Elaborate please.

Why do you insist on being a slave to the state? Do you enjoy being neck deep in debt until you die? Do you enjoy being watched?

He deserves a presidential pardon and a fucking ticker tape parade for defending the constitution and the Bill of Rights against the state.

I dont disagree with what he did, but the whining with no factual basis, is very prevelent of the current generation.
Youll bitch about safe places and your "gender disphoria", but youll let cukkererg obtain every bit of information about you. Youll let twitter create a profile on you, and sell it to marketing companies for profit, or worse, create an internet personality that is logged for future use.

So again
ITT: Delusional Millinals

It's a legitimate strategy. If they are watching all of us, then your digital skeletons are buried in a mountain of server farms. The trick is not getting spotted by an algorithm.

The man deserves a medal.
And honestly, he's probably more deserving of the presidency than either the schill or the nazi who will be on the ballot this fall.

He will never set foot in the us again. Barring the goverment from asasinating him, all the blow hards would eventually murder him in the streets

I wish there were more like him. He put his entire life and future in jeopardy because he saw something the government was doing that he knew was morally unjust and he had the guts to do something about it.

And the NSA didn't go too far? Shouldn't they be tried for treason? What about the members of congress who half assed their way through passing the laws that allowed this? You don't think those people should be held accountable? What Snowden did was justified.

I'm 19. I have no social media accounts except for social engineering purposes. I hate faggots. I use libreboot and freebsd and make calls off prepaid phones. I use ad block and format my hard drives once a month. You're probably using windows and chatting with family on facebook. You probably have an iPhone because they're so "safe". Go ahead, keep calling me delusional you fucking hypocrite.

I don't like how he did the deed. Too many good people were put in danger from the sensitive cables he released. And it completely fucked up the diplomatic balance we had.
The (majority) of that info needed to get out and be seen by the people it was being hidden from

Every isp has a nice big blackbox.
You cannot touch it, or you are thrown in federal prison.
Now your isp has to filter all in/out coming traffic,into this box, with no say so on the matter.

Even posting on this website(mook datamines hardcore) you are creating a personality that has views from your comments, and from what you upload.

Let that soak in
Oh and you see those captchas you have to do? They are fingerprinting you and you are tracked across websites with captcha

people think he might be dead
it's all about assange now

He's a fucking traitor. It's not like he hacked the NSA and relieved their secrets. He took a job their, actually was given the privilege of working for the NSA since he was a scrub systems analyst with no skills. Then he got delusions of grandeur of used his position to try to become a rock star, as if anyone who mattered didn't know all this shit already. Furthermore, he helped gaslight the US population into thinking the NSA is really the threat. Defense Intelligent has a budget about 10x the NSA and they don't have to account for any of it. I seriously hope Russia is just holding onto this bitch so they can trade him back to the US when one of their operatives is captured.

Your first point is decent. Second one shows your age. Calm your tits little boy and don't assume anything of others.

Do you have any concept of the literal wealth of information he DIDN'T disclose? He could have burried this country under a mountain of shit, but he opted to show restraint and blow the whistle.

He didnt leak any active operations.No active agents were in any threat.

He didn't release cables. Are you thinking of manning?

You missed the point.

If they are tracking every single thing that every single one of us does, then how can they use that information? It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I'm not saying that they have any right to do that shit, but the more you try to fight it, the more you stand out. Fly casual nigga.


Snowden was the NSA equivilant of the IT help desk. WTF do you think he knew about, UFOs and the Ricin Contingency? This faggot leaked everything he could.

You're calling me little to try to boost yourself up and make me feel small. All you're doing is making an ass of yourself. You're a tech illiterate normie in a Snowden thread until proven otherwise.

Nice guy

You think he had more? I honestly just know what I've read in passing on the internet and seen on my favorite news sources.

Hero and anyone who says otherwise is objectively incorrect and unamerican. I would blow his whistle out of respect.

>Second one shows your age.
>I'm 19

>i'm 19

>I don't like how he did the deed. Too many good people were put in danger from the sensitive cables he released.

Maybe you're thinking of Bradley Manning who dumped a bunch of State Dept. docs on Wikileaks without reading them first.

Snowden released his reports through the journalist Glenn Greenwald and he didn't release anything that could endanger anyone.

Unless you think undermining the NSA's spying puts people at risk in which case I would point out that 1: The Deputy Director of the NSA could not provide an example of a single terrorist attack stopped by NSA mass surveillance when questioned by Congress and 2: To date the NSA program has resulted in only ONE terrorism conviction of a Somali American man who tried to wire transfer $10,000 to El Shebab in Somalia (Is that worth the $80 billion a year we spend on the NSA?).

1) The goverment gave him access above what he was suppoed to be given. He was a 2 on a scale of 10. But he had unilateral access to the data
2) He saw said data, and found it highly illegal and against the constitution and bill of rights. And wanted people to know

[citation needed]
Do you honestly think it is just nsa related?
Any goverment agency that illegally harms its own perople, needs to be outed so things can change, and so people can have better informed opinions

ain't it past your bed time ?

They gave him full access to their system, he only needed basic clearence. The goverment fucked up and blindly gave him full access. Imagine how many times they have done this

Fact. He smuggled terrabytes of data away from the NSA. He and Greenwald carefully sifted through it before releasing anything because they didn't want to create a security nightmare for the US.

Not same user shit for brains.

You're still an idiot.

Not trying to boost myself up. Nor am I saying being 19 is bad. Just consider your lack of years before you plant your feet in the bullshit you so firmly think is the ground.

This. A million times this.

thats terrifying . That means its still out there somewhere.

Profile someone with dissenting views, via posts on Sup Forums,facebook,twitter,tindr,tumblr. Then use this data when it suits them, creating a personality. Now you have triggers of a terrorist or RNA nut, all without you knowing anything.

>fight it
So you're just a blind faggot who does nothing about anything. How do you think change happens? Do you not even know how this country was formed?

He only released around 20% of the data he has.
He could have gone full warfare and dumped it all and bolted to russia.

He should face trial for treason (and it should be considered with the evidence of him going to his superiors beforehand).

This would probably drop his sentence to execution to 40 years in prison.

How much longer is the country that he's staying in going to allow him free stay?

Unless he ends up in the Nordic countries, then an "unfortunate accident" would probably be better than life in prison.

Since the NSA started PRISM, it has been "out there." Snowden didn't change that.

yep, got them backwards.

Jesus christ. Just go away. I'm not saying it's ok. I'm not saying we should let them do it.


I never claimed the NSA wasn't incompetent

Do your own homeworkDefense Intelligence's budget is roughly $30 billion more than all other intelligence agencies combined, and highly classified. Defense Wide Joint Activities, which is basically anywhere DoD want's to spend the money is roughly $120 billion. What you new fags fail to comprehend is that TCP/IP was practically created by the military. Virtually all electronic communications can be intercepted at the lowest layers of the OSI model. And Apple, Microsoft, and virtually all software developers cooperate with them allowing them to utilize virtually every computer in the world as part of a distributed processing network that can crack virtually any encryption.

Thankfully, despite being a despicable pirate and cowboy, I trust the hawks in DoD to run things better than some SJW faggots gaslit by neo-libs who thing Snowden is some kind of hero.

>in DoD we trust

The factual knowledge of the exact methods that are being used, was not "out there". Look at the recent leak of the big 3's using media

And that if they are collecting all data from everyone, that's a fucking shitload of data to sift through.




Ok granpa, here is your prune juice and meds, lets get you in to bed

He an angel

cool memes, liberal arts bro. let me know when you have a degree in computer science.

late as fuck

A Hero's that's actions will not matter.
People are to comfortable these days to rise up and rebel, and until the government takes away people's comfort nothing will happen.

Step away from the table, and let the real men finish the job.

That recent leak wasn't Snowden, but I do see your point.

Bradley Manning's leaks were more damaging than Snowden's. Snowden is just a red herring.

I think the most important point is the around the mid 2000's up to and including the 2008 campaign the democrats including obama talked about whistleblowers and how they need more protection, and people need to be encouraged to blow the whistle. That is, until the whistle is blown on them, then shit gets real. Snowden isn't the only one to get the shaft.

Would you care to explain yourself? Age has nothing to do with intelligence. I've seen six year olds smarter than sixty year olds. You'll have to come up with a better argument than "look how old I am" if you plan on proving me wrong on some shitty image board in front of a few nobodies. Try harder.

>every computer in the world as part of a distributed processing network that can crack virtually any encryption
That's not how computers work. Individual computations need to be done one at a time. If you have 100 problems to solve and 100 processors working on them, an extra 100 processors won't make a goddamn difference unless they could do the computing faster than the previous 100.

>TLDR eating noodles with two forks is retarded because you only have one mouth.

I have a CCNE and work at one of the datacenters for one of the largest computer security firms in the world.
>/tcp/ip osi
Bruh, you cant willy nilly go in to packet and change them in realtime.
Why are you using a computer then?
Why do you use remotes for your tv, and controllers for your pc and console?
Why do you use usb? UNIVERSAL
Why do you use

He's a hero, plain and simple. Who cares if he's gotten pro-SJW or whatever? He risked everything so even the moderately awake sheep could know a little bit of the reality we live in.


This escalation started in 2001.

Millennials only overtook the Boomers last year (2015) as the largest generation of voting age, and they still turnout in much smaller numbers.

It is the Boomers, and it always has been the Boomers. May they all rot in hell for what they've set into motion.