This is the last thread i ever make

this is the last thread i ever make

i cannot handle being alive anymore

i'm never going to have sex or hug a girl or cuddle or anything

i'm too fucking ugly there's nothing left for me to do

Other urls found in this thread:


i'm just so fucking worthless and it's despite everything i do. i had a 4.0 in undergrad. i was in a doctorate program. i used to lift kinda heavy. none of it fucking matters because i'm just too fucking ugly

No you won't, and probably are. There's only one thing left and you know what it is. Post face pics+timestamps, manifesto, and finally just before the deed, your plans including intimate details of location/method/time/target (if an hero, specify) etc. Or just keep lurking.

Haha, girls are everything to you? fuck em bro, go get a good job, make tons of money and fuck some hookers.

You stupid faggot. Learn what makes you ugly, and fix it. Bad skin? Better diet, possibly supplements. Face isn't symmetrical at all? Probably some surgery you can get? Short? Me too, deal with it.

Also, be a chap and live feed

it's not everything but after traveling to different countries and making enough money and having enough "success" and still NEVER hugging a girl i'm just completely fucking done. i don't want anything else, there's no point
no manifesto, no timestamp for the next half hour at least if this thread is still alive.

i've tried, my skin is pretty much flawless. no surgery can fix my asymmetry. i'm 6' and STILL probably the ugliest person in the world

And everything else?