Let's play a game, Sup Forums

Let's play a game, Sup Forums.

Name something to do with bdsm, and I'll try to find you a webm of it.

>Only legal. Only girls. Sauce is in the file name.
>Just adding "tied up" to a request doesn't necessarily make it suitable to request.

Fart torture


Face punching

A gal in bondage getting fucked by a dog

slave castration

Here's a vid of a girl breathing a bottle of her piss.

deepthroat till pass out

I have never been able to find this...



Having sex with a dog does not sound legal.

Jesus people, read the OP.

lol right in her big ass nose, nice shot

Your reading comprehension is deplorable.

Guy tied with dick thru round table (under table) then girl tied up on top of the table with dick in ass/pussy and the table spins around until guy comes

What if i wanted a simple vibrator

This is asked for constantly (maybe by you repeatedly). I don't have any.

In many places it is. Besides, it was a request of a dog having g sex with a restrained woman, not a restrained woman having sex with a dog. Huge difference.

wut? no. I don't do Rube Goldberg machines.

so sad...

I've only asked a 2-3 times. Do you know if a venue that one could pay to have such porn made?

A grill being crushed under daddy's foot while being pissed at.

Regular non model bondage. More akin to kidnap

I'd tell you to fuck off and go find a thread on that topic. Do you go out to get pizza and ask "what if I wanted a simple sushi roll"? Because that's what you're doin' now. There's a big sign outside the pizza shop that says it's for pizza; and there's a big OP at the top of this thread that says it's for bdsm.

So you just want me to break Sup Forums rules now instead?

But I wanted exactly that

Nigga why would I know?

Heh, you wanted? How's that working out for ya?

A woman with her head fully restrained, being pretty relentlessly facefucked (either by a big dick or big dildo) while a fucking machine or dildo/vibe combo is chipping away at her ass. Bonus points for tears and/or whimpering during the process.

If not that, fully immobile head being deepthroat by a fucking machine. Give that loop well are preferred, for that illusion of perma-fucking. Anything similar to this, machine preferred, big dicks accepted, the messier the better. No actual vomit, but as much frothy mucus as possible.

Can you be a little more specific?




Someone I know. Oh, wait. You already have.

A woman stuck in a block of cement with only her ass and head exposed. Saw this one a long time ago but I never came across it again.

My bad, I didn't realize bestiality wasn't cool on Sup Forums. Go with this one, then:
Deepthroat dildo bondage is aaaall riiiight.



Don't have it.

Something with chastity belt with dildoes in it


Get me some brutal cervix play and you'll be Jesus to me, man.


Jesus doesn't exist.

So no.

Regular cervix play + nasty piercing... meh, I'll accept it. So you're a mexican Jesus or something.

Mole that has been seen cannot be unseen.

Breeding, Impregnation, creampie, stocks?

What are those thing that come in and touch her titties?

If only Trump was that accepting.

I think it's paint and they are selling mass produced asian tits prints

Read the OP.

Paint rollers, that re-apply a coat of paint to her tits, to transfer to the paper.

Anything with ring have and deepthroat. Bonus points for ropes of slobber.

Kudos on the facefucked machine vid, but do you have any where she is being fucked by the machine, rather than being the fucking machine?

more burning



I personally know the star of 524