Have any of you guys ever seen one of these fuckers? After years of seeing them from the corners of my eyes, outside my house, inside my house, and recently upclose and personal. Do you guys have any insight as to what theses things are and what they want??
Have any of you guys ever seen one of these fuckers? After years of seeing them from the corners of my eyes...
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Sleep paralysis. Look it up.
Yeah, they're called niggers
This. If you're not careful they'll take your TV and watermelon. Pretty spooky if you ask me.
Not them, but I did see something out of the corner of my eye. It was you in Rudy's, and you were very high. It was a crying disgrace. I know because I saw your face.
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop. A sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark. Get ready. Start.
This. Not sure how you got the picture and not have a related site that says sleep paralysis but it's what you're experiencing.
i see this dude when i close my eyes
They are called humans. This one is in his resting stage. I'm surprised you got this close without it noticing you.
Whenever I see them i'm awake and never asleep. Im wide awake
Overactive imagination, typical of children that never grow up despite an increase in age that were raised by cum dumpster single mothers.
Shadow men. Feel off negative emotions like misery fear and hatred either at self or others.
Shadow people. They are everywhere.
Some people think they are glimpses of other dimensions, or ghosts, or projections of yourselfs in some other reality (past, future, parallel universo)
It's one of the theories I've heard
my uncle used to talked to me about seeing a black figure standing and staring at him in his bed while he slept back when i lived with him. 5 years later he is now a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic.
demons now speak to him through the radio. i apparently broke into his house and stole his change. and my mom is conspiring with my grandma to ruin his love life. the women who made some obligatory nice compliments and whom he now stalks religiously.
this is what you have to look forward too
There is a story written about 2000 years ago about a merchant that was once travelling on the desert and saw a man on the road coming the other way very similar to him, but looked a bit older....
Eight years later, he was on the same road at the same place and saw a man similar to him, but Younger coming the opposite way. And his clothes we're similar to his eight years before.
This. I see them, but I'm schizophrenic. I mostly have the wherewithal to remember they aren't real.
That's at least what I tell myself. I know they're there though. Pretty sure I have some sort of uknown sense. Ignore them, they can't actually touch you. And don't listen to them if they say anything, it's always bullshit. They're faggots.
When i was on my bed witb my eyes wide open i just couldnt move, i was staring at a wall and then i just thought to myself wtf is happeing. I sae a black hand coming to my face. I couldnt even move but my body was moving to fetal position by itself. I wasnt scared. I was only thing of what was happening and trying to see if i was about to die.
Theres a board for this. /x/
I put fried chicken hanging on a string above a bear trap. Let's me sleep easy at night
No shit faggot. But this board is for anything
Bump for shadow people knowledge.
I know you wizards are out there. Get in here and provide some insight
John Dies in the End
Don't 404 faggots.
I only ever see their eyes, but they speak to me. What i can make out sounds like a quiet old man usually asking if i know simple vague things. "Are you ok? Do you need some more blankets? Maybe you should drink more water?" Very very off putting.
For people who see these things. What are your beliefs when it comes to the God issue
All I know is I ran into one once up close and personal. Stuck around for years but it's finally gone after I told some people who believe in this stuff and they did a ritual to make it go away. Didn't tell me til months after I noticed it gone.
When it comes to one specific God I am not sure. I believe in reincarnation though.
It's a hallucination/fear-manifestation during Sleep Paralysis.
Investigate anything suspicious and you'll find that true.
The more scared/angry/sad you are when you sleep the higher chance it has of coming up.
So turn off the news and only go to threads that make you feel good for bedtime
I saw a fox just right now while i was taking a morning piss.
He didn't see me at first while i was staring at him. Then he froze. Then i nodded and he shit himself and ran the fuck away.
Maybe i should have fucked him. Sexy fox.
I will add there's auditory and visual hallucinations too. Physical as well (I'm sure I'm not the only one who suspected I was dreaming then convinced myself I wasn't in-dream, only to wake up)
Whatever you think it is, a being or totally neurological like I do,
Negative emotions and memories make episodes more frequent and worse.
I used to suffer from it every night but after I leaned to deal with it not anymore
Anyone seeing these should go see a doctor and be evaluated. Especially if you are also experiencing auditory hallucinations. They make medication that will lessen the frequency of the paranoia and hallucinatory symptoms. Quit being retards before it gets too far and you start hurting yourself or others.
Trust me i've been there and it's a world of shit that goes far beyond shadow people