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disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods.
synonyms: nonbelief, disbelief, unbelief, irreligion, skepticism, doubt, agnosticism; nihilism
"atheism was not freely discussed in his community"



Why do u post this day in day out ??

Stop posting this stupid fucking thread, no one cares about what you think about Atheism


Im 100% sure hes an atheist and hes just fucking with you. Next time this thread pops up agree with him.

I know this shit is just a troll/bait thread but I can't help but agree that atheists have kind of garbage definitions. It's always when it benefits them, isn't it?

>mfw atheists try to tell me agnosticism is atheism
>mfw they argue it's part of a separate axis from theism/atheism
You can't have it both ways, assholes.

Not everybody is so eager to commit to an idea. Normal people fluctuate or withhold their fucking judgment until sufficient evidence is provided. Normal people don't get fucking autistic about the unknowns.

It's okay to be a skeptic without being an atheist. Or a theist, really. There's a perfectly suitable balance of accepting the possibility and impossibility of a thing.

atheism = not believing. Don't tell me it's an "absence of belief" you pseudo intellectual actual faggot. Once you are exposed to an idea, such as god(s), afterlife, souls, etc, you either believe in it or you don't. You don't get to somehow sit out and say you "lack a belief". It's one or the other.

Because you're gay


whats the difference between a "disbelief" and simply "believing that something isn't true"?

if we admit that disbelief is simply "believing that something is true" then disbelief is merely a type of belief, but if its not that, then what is it?













What is this nonsense, do people even try anymore?

>you either believe in it or you don't
What if you're curious but skeptical?

I'd argue that they're one and the same. But I define "belief" as a worldview. An opinion that people may hold too strongly as a core from which to base other opinions.



because there is no god to miracly bring us the 10 commandments of atheism


It's obviously the other way around mainly Christians, they always reflect and use the bible as a source when they themselves have never even read the bible and make all kinds of excuses. Hears a tip, stop looking for something to have faith in or rely on that revolves around ur whole life decisions. Yeah even if your dumb enough to call the Big Bang a "theory" you still shouldn't waste your time with God cause it messes up people's life so stop fuckin around you have your own life to create so go fucking skate


Gnosticism regards the existence of provable knowledge. To be agnostic is to hold a position, but not believe you can empirically prove it.

Theism/Atheism regards belief or lack thereof in a god/gods.

Most people don't know what agnosticism is, so just assume its a synonym for atheism. The reality is that, these days, most of the population is agnostic, regardless of belief.








I've read about the god Ra, but when i read about it i simply didn't believe it. I never thought about it much. I still dont think about it much.

To say that i actively "dont believe in Ra" is to make out that i am somehow actively campaigning against the existence of Ra.

Reality is, i didn't buy it the first time, and havn't thought about it in years. I simply dont give a shit, and accordingly, lack belief.




And that's why people worship the sun.
>My god is the Sun.
>Do you have proof that your god exists?
>Yes, but don't look directly into His glory.

You talking about the Sun God, bro?


why can't trolls find new memes?











We can




























same reason christians cant define what "true" christiany means, spirituality is personal.





Im out











Newfag here, why does this crying girl always show up in posts about God and religion

