Name my band
Name my band
Fats McGee and the Retard Three
The Basement Dwellers
Moms basement
The Four-way Roleplay
The Reacharound
Cock goblins
Sausage party
Momma's boys
Beta faggots
Cum swappers
Take your pick
pete's wicked brew feat. shirtless stew
Good one
New Kids on the Cock
Autism strikes again
Cringe Ultimatum Cool Kids
CUCK for short
Satan's Twinks
Forever virgins.
Basement children
Puss in black
Coming up next, the real band
Never-saw the street boys
The Hardcore Faglords
Walking Talking Stephen Hawkings
Cock juggling thunder cunts
The pork sword and the gimp
Autism Burns Red
Crippling depression is the impression
I agree with the name puss in black
Virgin rush
Flea marketers
Atticus Filch
Miracle Village
My Chemical Bromance
The Boston Altar Boys
The Sacred Band of Thebes
The Zika Babies
Carl the Cuck & the Catamites
Castrati AD
Whiter Snake
The Rolling PWNs
Plea Bargain
Future Florida Guys
Tubs and the Butter Nuggets
Half-Circle Jerks
>whiter snake
>sacred band of thebes
>castrati AD
Good shit m8
The Priest Cocksheaths
all man orgy