I'm I a shit hole somewhere and buy these three from a local Mexican . He says he only wants two of them back , I have give him enough money to despise of the other one .after I fuck all three of them for about a week I need some advice
> which one should I kill an why
> how should I do it
I'm I a shit hole somewhere and buy these three from a local Mexican . He says he only wants two of them back...
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Would you believe it , I had to verify with cheese pizza pics , Sup Forums is great again
Forgot to post pic to busy keking
Time stamp this shit somehow so we know you aren't dicking around
nobody got time for mods Sup Forumsro . I got fucking an killing to do . A little help here , I know your fapping about them
no enseñan bien el inglés en el conalep, eh
their faces are all wrong, what are you trying to pull here user? they dont correctly match the body
I'm in Mexico , in a shithole hut , where am I getting a sharpe an a note pad from , these three cost me £1000 ,
It's obviously hypothetical you fucking idiot.