Just turned 21 a couple of days ago and want to treat myself to some alcohol thats really smooth and gets me buzzy. Mixed or non mixed idc just something nice. Thinking of getting pic related.
Just turned 21 a couple of days ago and want to treat myself to some alcohol thats really smooth and gets me buzzy...
Another alcoholic in the making. Fucking loser
Fuck you, i just turned 21 and want to try some nice drinks.
good quality single malt whiskey. scotch, no american shit.
what would personally recommend?
You're a faggot
Get a bottle of Stoli and go to town.
If youre thinking on a black rusaian might as well go straight into drinking a cosmopolitan or a daiquiri while watching aome shitty reality show, faggot
Go vodka or go home
>i actually like black russian or brandy when im eating chocolate cake
amaretto di saronno - it's a dessert liquor, meant to be sipped. Not really something to get drunk on. But you CAN. And while you do, it will be amazingly delicious. And i'm serious that it's delicious. It's not like when somebody calls an alcohol good tasting and they mean that in a fancy way and it still tastes like paint varnish. Amaretto is like drinking ice cream.