Sup Forums has cursed me, Sup Forums. Here's what happened 1 hr ago

Sup Forums has cursed me, Sup Forums. Here's what happened 1 hr ago.

>be me
>reading newspaper
>yes they exits, underage faggots of Sup Forums
>see an article about Austalia
>apparently they have been really secretive about refugees with exceptionally shitty living standards
>ok so now it has been leaked, great
>they describe how desperate children offers sexual services for adults
>the great dragon is starting to wake up
>continue to read
>it's worth a shot
>i take out my pee pee and start beating the meat
>"A 10-year old girl took off all her clothes and offered a group of adults to stick fingers into her vagina."
>dick becomes more diamond than an enchanted diamond sword with sharpness V
>masturbate furiously
>best orgasm of my life

Other urls found in this thread:

yes they exits
they exits

you dumb fucking retard

>implying a typo means that op is a retard

>>dick becomes more diamond than an enchanted diamond sword with sharpness V



I don't get it. Is that some WoW shit?

Why would people blame Australia? Sounds like her parents are shit.

You gonna go for it OP?

It's from Minecraft