Who was more eternally BTFO by based Scaruffi? Bowie? Or the Beatles?
Who was more eternally BTFO by based Scaruffi? Bowie? Or the Beatles?
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Neither... You act like his scores for Sgt. Pepper and Abbey Road are poor.
He gave a higher score to Korn so yeah
Scaruffi is genuinely autistic and his entire website is one big farce in service of his massive ego.
This is the man who included his own poem on his list of "the Greatest Poems of All Time." This is a man who claims to have won multiple awards for his "analysis" of the Beatles career despite no such awards ever surfacing. This is the man who literally keeps a web page documenting photographs of all of his "friends." How many of the people on that list do you think are even aware that their photographs are available online for everyone to see? How many do you think would even consider Pierro a friend? it is clearly just there to service his ego; to fulfill his need to let the world know how popular he is. He has no awareness that such a list is extremely socially abnormal behavior.
And to those who say "that doesn't affect his opinions on music," not he has said in interviews that he usually only listens to an album once for a review and sometimes will not even listen to the full album before giving it a score (source: radio.adelaide.edu.au
>This is the man who included his own poem on his list of "the Greatest Poems of All Time."
it belongs there
Holy shit, it's real
How can you not love him?
Bowie page is funnier desu
>based Scaruffi
Kill yourself
sup reddit???
>Bowie died of cancer in january 2016.
I don't care about him or any other critics, I can make opinions about things on my own and don't need to follow others.
his daughter's rectum
Someone pls photoshop this so the ice cream is a little girl posing pls thanks
holy shit lmao
a funny thing often occurs across these boards. at first, an object of deserved ridicule is ridiculed. soon after, he's ridiculed ironically. a short time after that, some dunce unaware of the irony begins to actually agree with the man and post his writings as truth or factual or deserving of praise. and then the once object of deserved ridicule has an avalanche of lemming-like supporters. Scaruffi is that for Sup Forums sort of how Tao Lin is that for /lit/ and Zack Snyder for Sup Forums.
beatlesfag detected
>he believes a reviewer has to even listen to the music to rate it accurately
oh fuck off please.
>not sure if bait or serious
no, Armond White is a more fitting Scaruffi for Sup Forums.
>This is a man who claims to have won multiple awards for his "analysis" of the Beatles career despite no such awards ever surfacing.
>This is the man who literally keeps a web page documenting photographs of all of his "friends."
holy shit why am i laughing so hard
he gave Radiohead's new album a higher score than Blackstar lmao
Dsp for Sup Forums maybe
Which makes me scratch my head and ask why anybody takes him seriously.