I'm at McDonald's, what you niggers want?
I'm at McDonald's, what you niggers want?
Ethan Sanders
Evan Gonzalez
ill grab 4 cheese burgers thanks.
Evan Gray
Gimme a guava juice
Xavier Myers
A Quater pounder with glutefree bread
Isaac Butler
WOW FUN! faggots
Sebastian Gutierrez
Some chicken nuggers and french fried
Jace Brown
>still going to Whackdoanlds
I don't get it.
Its overpriced, the portions are tiny and it tastes like shit. There are much better fast food alternatives.
Why the fuck do people still go there?
Aiden Gonzalez
>coworkers invite me to lunch
>i say sure
>they're going to mcdonalds
Isaiah Martin
Nice try fatty
Joseph Young