>She used to kiss me with love
Found out last week that my gf of over 1&1/2 years cheated on me at one point in the night during her co-worker's birthday party
Confronted her the following morning after coming across her private fb messages. she had been flirting with this dude for a few weeks now; she hoped to see him at the party
Crying, she admitted that she DID cheat but it only began as harmless flirtation. she only crossed the line when she was extremely intoxicated. she also insisted that he was all talk; it only lasted a few minutes and she didn't even orgasm
I pushed her away and demanded she get her shit out of the apartment
For a couple of days my only thought was: fuck this trickass bitch
I literally donated all of her clothes she refused to take, and burned the rest of the crap that were filled with good memories
She desperately tried to play on my heart strings, but i just pushed her away
Last night tho, I got fucked up
I ended up talking to her again, faking forgiveness. As i was fucking her the idea of genuine forgiveness was a possibility, but then the thought of her taking another dick enraged me to the point where I came all over her face without warning. Eying me with one eye open, she asked me if i loved her
I said, No.
She's playing victim on fb now, claiming that she was taken advantage of and never meant to hurt me
She had the audacity to post "#Alcohol ruins love."
Trips gets nudes of this whore
She used to kiss me with love
Anthony Reyes
Gavin Brown
oooooo trips
William Bailey
nudes. no one cares.
Easton Rivera
feelin with you user. fuck this bitch, move on Sup Forumsro
Grayson Martin
post more of her?
Andrew Martinez
youse as cold as ice
good looks. i've been trying to fuck her cousin just cause but no luck yet
Mason Davis
Asher Barnes
post nude here
Michael Clark
Cool story bro. Post nudes now...
Caleb Allen
any chance you guys live in NY?