ITT: YOU FUCKERS post your addresses and I come and knife you

ITT: YOU FUCKERS post your addresses and I come and knife you.


410 bait road madeup place, USA.

you look like a knife young man

wow lololol dumbas posted your adress your fuked now lolollolololoololol


do u have the strength to hold a knife?

2260 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, CA 92104

Come and get it faggots

Just post them guys. I feel like driving somewhere and stabbing someone.


>U done goofed

imma stab ur black nigger, cotton picking, baby stealing porch monkey ass

You my nigger, are full of shit.

621 E Long Cir, Littleton Colorado


Whitehouse, United States of America

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500

I gotta admit, this made me laugh a bit.
backtrace me and find me yourself. I'll be waiting.

Here I come, bitch.

U live at the post office?
Probably in the dumpster you hobo nigger

You fuckers better get ready. It's stabbing time!

123 Fake Street, Springfield USA

11 Pennsylvania Ave
come fucking get me pussy

that near Evergreen Terrace?

187 grove street, los santos

Which one is it? So i know who i can stab.

Shit gun

206 bacon street

That's Ballas territory son.

Sexy ass gun hnnng

88 S black faggot way
Nigger'sville, NY 20201

1234 Sesame street

Can you tell me how to get there?


e621 Yiff ln, Canine County, Alberta, Canada

You have to believe

Get rekt

Hello, neighbor.

As much as I believe OP is a faggot?

Aaaahhh nice joke m8