How can AmeriKKKan meat-eating Whiteboiiis even compete?

How can AmeriKKKan meat-eating Whiteboiiis even compete?

Other urls found in this thread: Shaw&oq=Brian Shaw&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Hafthor Bjornsonn.

Vegan masterrace here. Its good knowing that when i'm 30 i'll still look like an 18 year old and meat eaters wont XD

*cough* steroids *cough*


He hasn't put on any size since he went vegan. He's been bodybuilding for 8 years went vegan 4 years ago.

prove it

It's called Google newfriend

go back to jewtube you fuck

its called being natty

What are you trying to say? That you're too much of a pussy to do drugs so you'll always be physically inferior to people with courage?

bro we already knew that

Not far from a white boi yourself cuck, Welcome to try again when you're not Will Smith Mocha Bitch

His lifts are such a joke...
>185x5 squat
>315x4 backbreaker diddly
>185x3 bench

Even if your focus is bodybuilding after so many years of lifting you should not stagnate this hard. Most people pass this after 6-12 months easily.

Eso levels?

You already know the answer.
By being white and eating meat.

muscle imbalens boiiii?

insecure teenage boy detected

post pic of yourself

>6-12 MONTHS


no his lifts are absolutely pathetic for lifting for over 10 years. he's abnormally weak.

Name one good reason you still eat meat in 2016 despite all the positive research done on plant based diets.

It's delicious

hey bro could u explain why people say 185 i know they mean 185lb but do they count the barbell + both of the weights?

you're ugly, got it

>projecting this hard

end urself faget

I came back from a year off due to back/foot injuries and a broken fucking collarbone. 9 months in with a 940 total. Half of that time was spent doing recovery/rehab.

Vegangains is a complete psychopath

Kendrick Farris is the only American weightlifter that qualified for the Olympics. He's vegan.

no, it's called bad diet.


fuck, i bet i could kick his ass. thats what being a vegan bitch gets you.

nigga are you? I know women who lift more. I've been lifting half the time that green ayylmao has, training like a retard for most of it, and I'm still 470/325/525. Vegannig is comically weak

post your physique

oh no that's not what i meant fampai, i implied that the dude said that anyone could reach

>185x5 squat
>315x4 backbreaker diddly
>185x3 bench

in 6-12 months.

But welcome back, zyzz would be proud.


There are plenty of plant based protein sources


no, its called "you're jealous of our superior physiques, intelligence and ethics" lol stay mad and stay looking old

Nigga fuck off. Yeah there may be plant based protein but nothing beats chicken or a good ol steak

>Vegangains is a complete psychopath
nah, he's all talk and no walk. He backed out real quick when Lex Fag Fitness challenged him to an actual fight.

How can you european veggie niggers compete?

nope, that was a stupid reason

and he's going tolook ridiculous getting rekt by countries who actually care about weightlifting and feed their athletes properly

Your heart wont beat it

that speaks volumes on the standards of American oly lifting.


patrik baboumian: world record holding vegan strongman.
you've lost

bad b8 desu

doesn't take away that he's stronger than both of you



the truth hurts


Well for his weight class...


>look at these rare and exotic outliers totally proving that vegans are stronger than omnivores
>disregard the fact that every single winner of Worlds Strongest Man, ever, was and is omnivore
>disregard that all Mr. Olympias ever, was omnivore
>disregard the fact that I swallow semen for my main protein source

It tastes amazing


You clearly havent gone to the gym

>doesn't take away that he's stronger than both of you
and that proves... what?

You know hes a manlet with 14 inch arms right?

Followed by:
Brian Turner
Simnett Nutrition
Vegan Physique

add more if you wish

and also no not samefag, we just know whats good.

those examples only hold true because there are not many athletes and there are not many vegans. you're not gonna see much overlap between 2 very small portions of the population. is all the cholesterol clogging up the pathway to your brain too now?

we compete by consistently winning the most gold medals in every olympics? lol wtf kind of question is this?

>mfw veagan lifts
185 on squat is fucking warmup weight.

11 months in


strongest of vegans

ain't got shit on omnivores

>M-my dad could beat up your dad!

I tell you that the strongest people ever to walk this earth, have always been omnivore and still are.

and you say... nothing, except ramblings and ad hominem.

no, he holds world records, not vegan records.

>posts a literally who vegan strongman
>only drawing attention to the fact that the actually competitive strongmen like big z, pudz, all eat meat

you sure showed me bro.

Pic related, 4 WSM titles and 8 Arnold classics. What has your poster boy faggot won again?

how old is that guy? looks ripped for sure, but he has the face of a little boy.

probably because everyone else got banned for drug abuse.

You all are inferior to a single SPOOK.

tfw humans aren't omnivores

Only plant based complete protean is tofu
>tofu has a toxicity level
>to get the same protean from tofu that you would from an animal protean you would have to consume tofu in toxic levels.

>ITT triggered vegans that know meat is best source of protein

have fun chewing on your leaves u cowfaggots

physiologically humans arent even omnivores, retard

A manlet who makes edgy content on youtube. Kinda like a less subtle Onision, just as much of a fuckboi tho

you're kidding.

I get 180g protein no problem per day

Run your finger across the top of your teeth. Feel all those points? Those aren't for fruits and leafs jackass.

say that again when you're having a heart attack

thats because us plant-based eaters just stay looking young because of our superior diet

The SPOOKs have landed, this is now a SPOOK thread.


K what year then?

current champion Shaw&oq=Brian Shaw&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

180g is no where near the proper amount. You should be eating 1g per lb of body weight just to maintain. Unless you only weigh 180, and being a vegan faggot I wouldn't doubt it.

>those aren't complete proteins you fucking tryhard.

Carnivores and omnivores produce their own vitamin c, herbirvores do not.


If eating 'healthy' made me look like a child like OP the rest of my life, then I'll just stick to what I'm doing champ

if you honestly think that our teeth look like they were made for tearing and ripping through flesh and muscle, you are a great example of how meat-eaters dont get enough glucose for propper brain function

why yes, yes we are. That's why humans have had a omnivorous diet for as long as human history has lasted. We've always been omnivore, bro. It's just you being all weird and shit, but that's hardly proof of anything.


I thought complete/incomplete proteins and protein pairing was a myth that got debunked. Honest.

you're stuck in the past.

.82g/lb bodyweight works fine.


I think I know this nigger from somewhere.

>185x5 squat
Fuck off really? I was doing that after 7 months, and I didn't take lifting all that seriously.
