Dubs decides, help me get some pussy unlike the rest of you miserable faggots

Dubs decides, help me get some pussy unlike the rest of you miserable faggots

Fuck that

>askimg miserable faggots to help you have game

Top Kek op is a Cuck

If you didn't have any pussy plunging tactics you could just say so, no judge zone my friend

Amanda bayne, dumbass posted her number, shes from toronto LOOL

Op u gotta stay on ur feet, dont slip up in tdot

why are you texting a girl from mississauga?

I love you so much and I want to be with you for the rest of your life.

>dont slip up in tdot
Toronto girls are vicious compared to girls from other areas. Maybe I've just had a biased experience.

I live in my mothers basement and furiously masturbate to cripple porn every day. You?

Suck my dick, do it for Harambe

Nice number

I'm Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss. Everything in here has a story and a price. One thing I've learned after 21 years - you never know WHAT is gonna come through that door.


Welp op u gotta quote urself

She said that she wants to get to know you first so you didnt fuck up completely but tread lightly you tard.
you should tell her that you're going to drink and watch a movie
pr get high and watch a movie



Don't put numbers retard some white knight faggot is gonna ruin it for you and us


You will get to know me when I cum inside your warm pussy my friends call me the terminator for a reason.

I want to inhale your hot, wet farts.

I texted her for ya bud


coming from the cuck with no game

I aint op

my apologies good sir

someone else text her but do a better job than the faggot OP


I think we scared op

Already done. Waiting for response




am good. Thanks for the support tho

Kek OP get cucked

HAHAHAHAHA well done

better luck with next girl op!

U whiteknight yet u cant text her with ur real #? Pussy


Btw I am a fag and have some morals left

It's the hacker known as Sup Forums.

Ask her for nudes

good job Sup Forumsro fucking faggot OP deserved it. Now get nudes

Omg why are so many newfags from Toronto so God damn retarded?

Seriously why are you that brain-dead to expose the number?

Here ya go

Tell her he was looking for advice on how to tell you about his micro penis

>inb4 the "girl" is OP and you just played yourself

Congratulations you played yourself

I hope the girl is OP, I fucking hate faggot white Knights


aww shit nigga

>the hackers known as Sup Forums
maximum kek
>ITT user takes bait while trying to white knight

checked dubs
Now describe to her what a cuck is


This is gold

Is she thick or something? and not in a good way


Please post more screenshots White knight



Jets fuel can't melt steel beams

This dumb bitch

WTF man she's dumb asf


Have you considered the possibility that OP played your ass?

Holy fuck I can feel the autism. CRINGE

checkem and yea, but this is still fun.

Tmw OP didnt manage to convince a braindead to fuck him

Fag doesn't wanna admit defeat..let's cheer him on lol

he's pretending to still bait while he baits the bait to make it look like he is the master baiter

basically he is pic related

We're talking about a Sup Forumstard, not the blood rainman.

Her name is Amanda Bayne
I wouldnt fuck her and I need to fuck

inb4 mom dies in sleep

lol assuming she knows wtf ur talking about. you dont make sense to someone who doesnt know about Sup Forums. try talking like ur not retarded.

if quads then she sends nudes

rip mom

send her this .jpeg

ITT: OP. That is all.

She already knows he wants to fuck her you retard spouting about Sup Forums to someone isn't going to change anything you're being a huge fucking sperg about it

Hide and seek motherfuckers how have y'all not gotten this yet

Hey, mind if I get a quick image of your bare chest?

To the user who said to be more coherent

Phone number fail.

That's not coherent you fucking sperg, have you ever talked to someone outside of the Internet?


Is there anyway that I could get a quickie from you before I leave for work tonight?

how would you put it?

Gr8 b8 m8

you can see op shopped the number

Are you shitting me? English motherfucker, do you speak it?

yeah i hit it with an auto dialer a couple times, shes either not answering or its a bullshit number

omfg this nigger..... how autistic are you??try this:

youre friend posted a screenshot of your conversation on Sup Forums.org asking the users for advice on what to say to get in your pants. He forgot to block out your number, however, so now dozens of neckbeards from the internet have your contact info and you can thank your friend for that.



what is this

you're faggot



Are u serious?

why the fuck does this thread not have tits yet