How would you kill yourselves Sup Forums? Also Quads must kill themselves

How would you kill yourselves Sup Forums? Also Quads must kill themselves.

I wouldnt try salt injections again thats for sure

Probably with a gun. just fuck it. Quick and easy way out if you fuck up. Like I just might have two days ago. :)

>plan b
kek, also if I was to kill myself I would most likely just cut a main vein cause a bullet would ruin my face and wouldn't want a closed casket funeral.

Saving orphans from a sinking battleship.

k fuck it, ill do it faggots

I've thought about a humane way to execute people, and I think it applies to this as well.

What you need is a shaped charge C4 helmet. Or some other plastic explosive. The charge is designed to blast you directly down. Ideally you should be standing over your grave at the time, or whatever is going to be your grave.

This is painless, and it auto buries you. The other ghosts are going to be so fucking confused.

Helium. Once you get the materials it's all set and ready to go you'll die in less than a minute

Looks like a tiny penis in the thmbnail
Oh wait its OP so of course he has a tiny penis

Probably with a shotgun. I was going to recently... But that being said I made a noose the other day and almost hung myself. It's still sitting next to me. maybe that's how I die... I suppose we'll see soon enough

quads plz


My gun

It'd be a hilarious death, too. You're voice would get higher and higher and it'd get funnier and funnier, until you pass out, best death ever.

Old age.
Or heroic on the Fury Road.

dont check


Your*** Don't hurt me for my horrendous acts of grammatical errors


Carbon monoxide poisoning.
It's cheap, fast, painless, and easy to accomplish.
I'm checking out soon, using this method.

pic related? Is that a cyanide capsule?

Life is good if you create it this way.
Start new hobbies, see Diffrence places, know new people.

Give yourself a chance, bro.

if i could get a gun then shot to the head ezpz

No you fucking retard, it's a bullet. How retarded can you get?

Sounds very humane my friend

Quads here I come

I'd fight in Syria or something, at least make my life mean something in the end
thats a bullet u Sup Forumstard


Natural causes.


One of those air bomb firecrackers in ass.

Quads get

What doesnt kill me makes me STRONGER!!! ROLLAN! Will stream if quads

Hoping for quads

I wouldn't.




I would light myself on fire, pull the pin of a grenade, jump from a building and would shoot myself in the head in mid air b4 the grenade detonates

Suicide: Satisfaction guaranteed or your life back!

Quads plz

So close

I choose the hardest way out. I wait to die by aging.

>Cut a vein

I think by anchoring myself down the ocean. Its weird but I am terribly afraid of drowning. Also, when I am sinking to the bottom and know there is nothing I can do to save myself, i wonder how that feeling is to know that you are going to die and can't do anything about it. If you survive some how it would be great to describe what happened.....

Roll for bleach

Masterbating. Pro-tip: I never get quads.


Bondage with a noose and some way to automatically tighten it slowly

you think thats funny boy?


Mr Hands

I figure if I'm going to kill myself I may as well volunteer to do something dumb as hell for the military and take some ISIS asshats with me.

Taking all my benzos and then going for a swim.


Lay my neck across a train track.

Or, to make a statement, burn myself alive while holding a bible, a quran, a tao te ching, and other "holy" texts.

Fuck, I missed

For you

Protip: go for the artery, it's much quicker.

Bullet to the brain.

Quads will not kill themselves.

With kindness

fent overdose. Already down the path, might as well speed it up a little.
Please quads

Swallow a bunch of bullets, wait 12 hours, then light a fart.

i would go on a coke filled bank robbing and hooker fucking/killing spree, because the world is your oyster when you don't fear death.
Please give me quads gods


Hardmode: slit vertically

Tried artery didn't work, don't have the balls to cut deep enough.

Tried strangulation work a belt yesterday, passed out within 10 seconds, someone came in to my room and saved me, cunts.

Will try the belt again, was easy and felt good

Just want quads


pills and alcohol, simple.


Light myself on fire in a public place. quads get.

Getting facesit till ashpyxiation by some hot hooker while another hooker jerks me off

Pls quads


I want to be ded

gotta get quads to end my pathetic life

Jump off a bridge, lately their was 2 people that am hero'ed off the same bridge not far from where I live

I live to see another day, cunts

Heroin overdose, its painless and right before you drift into the abyss god wraps his arms around you

>being this close to fucking quads

end it now


just to be clear, is it only quads if it's four of the same number in a row, or if you get four of the same numbrer anywhere in your post number?




Just leave now newfag

You are so fucking lucky and you don't even realize it


lmao rollin

by committing suicide.

pls no

Lurk more mang. its the last 4 digits

quadss plsssss

Cement shoes for myself. It would keep everyone wondering who i pissed off.

lets get em quads again.

In a row at the end of the post

would be quads

Lmao xD


been thinking about it lately anyways, rolling for quads.