Post your top 10, others guess your personality

Post your top 10, others guess your personality.


i can't solve my captcha someone please help

faggot and dumbass idiot

>faggot and dumbass idiot
what do i type pls help

You prefer staying indoors - but aren't necessarily unpopular.
Use to skate once, you feel alot younger than you are.

someone who needs to listen to dwarves

If you can't solve your captcha how are you posting? Anyway isn't there a button that lets you get a new captcha to solve?

>someone who needs to listen to dwarves
i have. they're pretty good.
>If you can't solve your captcha how are you posting?
pic related

Doesn't like to be around people, but hates to be alone, has a bad relationship with at least one of their parents.

Very pessimistic and very very lonely. Probably lives in an isolated place.

Anxious, but also very enthusiastic.


doesn't know what he wants to do in life

likes drugs

You are seconds away from suicide.

Time to guess people's relationship statuses!

Has an s.o.

Single, possibly just had a breakup,




Has an S.O.

>Has an S.O.

Was I wrong?

Married? Breakup? Divorce? Never had a relationship?

>Never had a (serious) relationship

Ah man I'm sorry. I didn't know.

I hope you find someone some day :)

Single, but with random dates.


>but with random dates
Would if I could.

>Very pessimistic and very very lonely. Probably lives in an isolated place.
More realistic and pessimistic optimistic, Kinda lonely, do enjoy being alone a decent amount of the time. Do plan/dream of living in a isolated place.

>You are seconds away from suicide.
I have felt suicidal on more than one occasion, I usually imagine that I will be the death of myself.

Nope, but I do act and feel as if I have experienced a recent break up or divorce.

These guesses re kinda saddening but also weirdly kinda close.

>More realistic and pessimistic optimistic
Fuck, meant More realistic and slightly pessimistic

College Grad
Had a Wigger phase
Tried multiple drugs
typical Sup Forums taste right there
Oldest guy in the thread
Likes dancing
in a constant state of melancholy

>Use to skate once, you feel alot younger than you are.
Never skated, I guess I feel my age.
>Anxious, but also very enthusiastic.
Pretty enthusiastic about the few things I like yeah
>doesn't know what he wants to do in life
Yeah I don't really know
>Single, possibly just had a breakup,
Single all my life

> In a constant state of melancholy
... Yeah


You prefer staying indoors, but you are there always for your friends.

feels sleepy a lot of the time

currently working on creating a website

You're gay. Like, not man gay, like man-who-acts-like-a-girl gay.

what other types of gays are there you sound experienced

Just those two. One acts like a regular gay, the other, well, like a girl (don't take this as something serious, dude).

> regular gay
Fucked it up, it's "regular guy".

sexually confused

nice. chillax. sociable.

as regular as they come

owns one guitar

has at more than one point admired someone else's carpet

sings along to things alone while other people are around

takes a while to get out of bed in the morning

really really loves being alone

coffee snob

is an ass to his friends



expects everything to be handed to them on a plate without doing any work. Is the person everyone hates working in a group with. chews with their mouth open and doesn't apologise

Basic bitch

Relaxed, chill. Not too much friends wich who you can talk about music (maybe one or two).
> owns one guitar
Not really, though I'm going to buy one.

You're usally bored.

>Not too much friends wich who you can talk about music (maybe one or two)
maybe four or five
have fun with the guitar dude. would have made a good christmas present

I think that was the joke.

Top fourth??????

giles corey?

quiet, bored, and into dark shit


what do i do if i only like 3 albums ever

You're part of what some people call the "alt-right" and it feels punk as fuck.


Likes to post these threads when I'm asleep so that they fill up too much for people to notice me.

Appears mean at first, but actually pressty soft on the inside.
(Also, my parents saw Nirvana when they were touring for Bleach in like '90. They weren't even the top of the bill that night. I'm still really jealous of them.)

Thinks that he hasn't met anyone who's a worse person than himself, but he's wrong.

Likes bleeps and bloops more than he lets on.

Aspires to be an anarchist.

Secretly the coolest person in his circle of friends, but none of them know it.

Quick note, I've since replaced GoGo Penguin with Tortoise - Millions Now LIving Will Never Die. Too lazy to change it at the moment.