>check nine inch nails' facebook for whatever reason
>fans are actually moaning about the new ep in the comments, saying it's unlistenable
now what the fuck is this? I've listened to not the actual events a few times through and liked it despite never having listened to a lot of NIN, thinking it's some pretty solid industrial and a great EP. I had no idea this is supposedly a divisive release
Check nine inch nails' facebook for whatever reason
I like it a lot, I just wish it felt as cohesive as something like Broken.
the majority of nin fans that post on facebook only like the song "closer" and "head like a hole"
I liked it overall but the only stand out tracks to me were Dear World and Burning Bright. I really hoped that all the soundtrack work Trent did with Atticus would make him experiment a bit more within NIN but he seems to keep treading the same ground he did on The Slip.
it's a total 180 from HM and some of his heaviest since The Fragile
>Trent says it's a unfriendly, impenetrable record in the announcement
>fans complain that's it's "unlistenable" even though they were warned
Casual NIN fans are so fucking retarded
>it's a total 180 from HM and some of his heaviest since The Fragile
But it's not really anything we haven't heard before, is it? The only track that is a fairly big divergence is Burning Bright. I like the layers and textures of it a lot and I'd like to see more of that sort of thing, but the rest is a bit of a retread.
I'd like to see him experiment, like really experiment. Try to make an album without using any keyboards/piano.
yeah I don't wanna do troo fan talk, but it's easy listening if you're into NIN
Is Nine Inch Nails Sup Forumscore now? It seems like every time I visit Sup Forums (which is several times a day) there's always a thread about them.
nin has always been Sup Forumscore
well, the downward spiral has always been up there in the charts
>Common sense
Pick one
Facebook needs to sink in a toilet drain
NIN's too good for moo tbqhwy, but these threads have been comfy
>band that probably most of Sup Forums at least doesn't hate just releases a new EP, decent remasters of some of its best albums, a new collectors LP, and announces two new projects for next year after doing jack shit for two years
>why is Sup Forums talking about it
Physical component has leaked
Looks like dirty A4 sheets
Is this going to be good or have we been cucked again by trez?
Is what going to be good? Songs are already out, listen for yourself
Who gives a fuck about the physical component
Yeah i was talking about the physical component.
Artwork seems really nice but I have mixed feelings about getting ink/tar everywhere
nah, it's gonna b great
I'll order another one and frame every page
haha sure, you dumb fuck,