Everybody wants to be Poppy


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how is this album so underrated? it's such great relaxing ambient. and most of the musical compositions are actually pretty interesting and engaging.

What did she mean by this?

damn i guess she browses b

The song is okay but the production is garbage, a 5/10 at best.

have you listened to this?

I much prefer the ambient stuff

have any of you tried sleeping to this yet? any notable results? interesting dreams?

i threw it on last night while i was reading at the mountains of madness and it made for a pretty spoopy atmosphere. after that i fell asleep to it, but i didn't have any dreams i can remember now.

and Sup Forums obviously probably the one spamming her shit here all the time

that would b pretty cool desu

shutup idiot im gonna punch you in your stupid face

wow why so rude?

cus of idiots like you!

I only care for her Ambient album. I really love it. Anyone know similar albums with that kind of spheric pads and synths?

pretty sure moby just released an ambient album like last year or earlier this year. its like her's but 100000x better.

>Anyone know similar albums with that kind of spheric pads and synths?
i would like to know this as well

>all this samefagging
poppy is meme trash

Thanks, will give it a try!

its here


Her promotion campaign was more interesting than her actualy music

it wasn't really a promotion campaign though. it's a critique of the industry-created pop-star archetype that happened to get a lot of attention.

i don't really like her pop music (aside from lowlife) but the ambient album is actually pretty cool imo

not sure if cringe or not DESU youtu.be/C8PyAGej0B4

Oh boy I think you showed me something right there. Really sounds similar to 3:36

wtf moby? a four-hour ambient album in 2016? i didn't even know he was still making music. this was so unexpected. sounds great though, thanks for sharing.

its the idiot titanic sinclairs ideas. shes just the puppet. theyre probly fucking or some shit.

>implying titanic isn't the gayest musician in the game right now

and it's kinda sad

i just leave that shit on low while reading shit on the internet or whatever. its pretty great.

So is there anything more to Poppy than just being weird to sell (post-)bland (post-)generic accelerationist/post-modern/metamodern/etc. (post-)pop?

have you listened to the ambient album?

nope it's just bad PC music with better advertisement.

Shut up Moby you buffoon

itt i know nothing about ambient music

might as well listen to magic - rude for fucks sake

bland as toast, you can tell from the moby comparisons in this thread :)

moby is bald lol

>being elitist about fucking ambient music
lmao please enlighten us oh mighty ambient guru.
