I hope she never passes through my side of town wearing this bullshit, she'd go missing

I hope she never passes through my side of town wearing this bullshit, she'd go missing.

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Hillary's gonna win. She doesn't even have to cheat.

Spic detected

Whatch out for the spooky spice guys

Violent "Democratic" Fascist detected.
Democrats shouldn't be allowed to possess anything larger than a bread knife, let alone a fucking motor vehicle.

"Oh no, the stupid shit I say isn't getting me votes anymore! The race is fixed! My controller's busted! It was the lag!"


sure kid. you posted this carp the other day.

you're an even bigger joke than OP.

sure kid.

>Blustery tough guy who doesn't have to back up his shit-talking.
>Threatens a random woman.

Ironically, even though you're a socialist faggot, you should love Trump. Insecure fags like you are his demo.

Lol you'd never see a Hillary supporter getting spat on, beaten, shot, or kidnapped for wearing Hillary shit. Just underscores the thinly-veiled fascism of the left.

Isn't that a violation of the Second Amendment? I thought you people said that even terrorists have the right to bear arms.

.dik eruS


Definitely BTK material

>My controller's busted
Not even close to an unverifiable claim for the common man, like "the election is rigged" is.
It was cute, though. Have fun in school when you go back.
>not that much

Hes been saying it's rigged before he even ran.

Your words are dumb.

Summerfag detected.

I love hating Trump supporters, cuz the hate is so fucking justified

So why run? He's wasted over a billion dollars and made a jackass of himself for something he couldn't win?

>law abiding citizens have the right to bear arms
>criminals can do whatever the fuck they want because they're criminals
I mean, it's not like we don't tell them to stop. The "left" is very content to pass ineffectual laws that are supposed to do just that.

Because you'd kidnap and rape her, kill her, and eat her flesh, amirite?

All in the name of preventing that evil Donald Duck from becoming president...


yeah very true. this slut is going to regret being that public about it for the rest of her life. sad really.

she doesn't even look old enough to vote.

around these parts the few trump supporters are hiding it as they should be.

>Hate the player, not the cheering section for the player in the game

Presidential assassin John Hinkley is out on parole. Would you be opposed to him buying a gun? (Reminder: He's a democrat)

Of course she would. You're a poor fag who lives in a shit neighborhood. White women aren't safe from your kind.

But her getting assaulted has nothing to do with her politics and everything to do with the shit-tier subhumans you live with in your neighborhood. Congratulations on being so edgy that you outed yourself as living in the hood.

But he will win.
Hillary will die or get jailed.
And you my dear shill will lose your job

And there is nothing you can do about that :)

Eat shit and die

i wouldn't be opposed to it. i'm a deocrat. i'm just not afriad of guns or people with guns, or muslims or mexicans or terrorists or angry virgin dudes killing pretty people.

it's such a rare event it doesn't affect me at all.

>shill shill shill shill

the sound of antisocial justice warrior tears

How very tolerant of you lot

>doesn't have to cheat
>100 people at her rallies
>10000+ at trump rallies

His inbred cheerleaders are worse! At least he lies about being racist, homophobic, and sexist. They assault protesters! That's a violation of Free Speech!

>nonsense that you actually believe

the mind of a trump supporter

go ahead now, show me a meme.

Behind by 40%. "Winning"
Sure kid.

whatever asshole.


hey i've actually got 3 trump supporter friends. i'm not attacking them, well only intellectually when we debate. my democrat friends far outnumber them of course, but that just makes sense really when you thikn about it. it's abuot an even split between bernie friends and clinton friends.

And yet he's losing. Funny, that.

>proof shown all over the internet
>being this ignorant

to show how rigged it is.

He isn't losing though, that's fucking polls you idiot.

Pretty sure you can't own a firearm while on parole. Even if you can, i'm not arguing that our laws are perfect in the first place. I'm arguing that a law isn't going to stop Hinkley from getting or making one if he really wants to. Why even have the law? So that there's some magical script you can point to and say "He did something wrong"? We're the only species that feels it has to justify nature taking its course.
What you consider wrong isn't necessarily wrong to everyone.
>Hate Speech

Trump having more people show up at his rallies doesn't mean much.

tolerant left here.

>"proof" being 2 recycles pictured that have no sources

yeah good one. this is what passes for proof for sTrumpets.


>believes Sup Forums memes as reality
This is why people think trump supporters are stupid, because they are.

ohhh a tough guy.

lol yeah fuck free speech and personal safety, if i see anyone expressing themselves differently than what i find acceptable they're gonna get it...after all gotta be tolerant

Are you retarded?
100 vs 10000
it's clear proof that Hillary doesn't have any real supporters, only fake fraud votes.

So he's a dumbass.

Thats because you liberals are giant heaps of human garbage. Trump hurt muh feelings! Hes wacist !!! I better hurt somebody!

polls have become really spot on lately.

the proof is in the way the republicans are acting. they want to replace him, some of them. they know the polls are accurate, even if idiots like you don't believe them.

Who posts this faggot bait? Fucking kys nigger. Trump is going to win BIGLY, just deal with it.

he wouldn't be able to unless he broke the law.
you were saying something.

>implying protesters on both sides don't commit assault and infringe upon one anothers rights.
Have you ever even looked at your side of the fence? It's pretty heinous watching each side fling shit while covered in shit.


Totally not the truth

Maybe Hilary supporters just don't go to her rallies.

So we should legalize murder or rape, seeing as people will do it anyway?

yeah sure. where's the proof of these numbers faggot? you have none. i don't care about pictrures. show me some article that says hilary has 100 people at her rallies. i've been following journalists that are on both campaigns and have seen nothing of the sort.

the majority of democrat voters are uneducated blacks.
you were saying something.

There's nothing "intellectual" about supporting a proven liar and cheater, and let me guess, your debate tactics consist of you saying racist, bigot and drumpf a lot right? Don't forget to plug your ears and hum when someone outside your safe space starts talking

I was waiting for autistic memes!

>this idiot thinks a youtube video is a source

hoily shit, see what the US is dealing with? morons like this.

Down by 40% lol what dreamland do you live in?

Ur mom needs to cut off your internet access.

Do you own research you dem faggot.

no we stay away from any and all propaganda and debate the merits of policy. my friends are not retarded like you are.

you can't research nonsense.

By saying that, you're no better any of them. I hope you realize that.

>definition of hypocrite

Video proof, from Conservative Networks, not the general media you fucking retard.
That room couldn't hold more than 500 people.

Why even bother arguing, next he'll somehow find a way to blame white people for him being a lazy shit who will still leave in the hood until another black guy kills him.

>a Clinton
Pick two.

Shills going wild today.
>do not reply to shill threads

I've never seen a Hillary Clinton rally that looked like a shot for shot of In The Flesh

"Against the Wall!

500 people, then obviously that isn't proof dummy. show me a 10,000 arena with hundred in it then you'd have a point. that was your claim after all.

let's see trump put 10,000 people in a 500 capacity room you stupid faggot

What u going to do fag? Give her bad directions

Nice inane comeback, faggot.

Yeah, because FOX News doesn't have a long history of bias and making shit up at all

Why have 10000 person arena when they just crop the image in a small room and hold the 100 people that are paid shills...

>liberal making threats of people going missing

Thanks OP, i needed that laugh.

FOX? This isn't fox you retard.

we now know trump's paid people to show up and clap and shit too. what's your point? you wanna pretend trump shills don't exist. he even paid for millions of twitter followers.

You keep saying paid shills, but Trump literally hired actors for his crowds before. Glass houses kid.

lmfao shut the fuck up and kill yourself

sure kid. now's when you run around moms basement screaming you won while the rest of us live our lives.

>paid shills
(((Trump))) pays for breitbart to write positive articles

He hires actors so he can bait media, so what?

And what would those policies be? How do you vote for someone that had the primaries rigged in her favor, then immediately hires the woman that was forced to resign? If you ignore things like that you're a fucking sheep. But besides that please do enlighten me on your favorite Hillary policies, because she is not far off from a republican neo-con

Why aren't we talking about Trump's paid actors and twitter followers? How is that not shill?

your opinion.

>i only believe shit about the candidate i don't like

you have to learn to face unpalatable facts. welcome to adulthood faggot.

I guess i'm just tired of people pointing to a "piece of paper" as part of their appeal to authority.
A "piece of paper" meaning the faceless masses that supposedly support this specific ideals influence on my life.
Like I give a fuck about your laws (those that I did not and/or could not participate in the creation of) when there aren't immediate repercussions.

cause you're a nigger and she's white and niggers can't help but rape and kill a white girl?

>stealing (You)s in a (You) thread

well played

sure kid. the dems want him to step down so Hillary can run unopposed.
who's scared?

And that's different from Hillary how? You just completely invalidated the Hillary shill thing. Both sides have shills,kid.

Cuckoldry: The beginning.