Well Sup Forumsros, this is it. I have about an hour left until I go into surgery...

Well Sup Forumsros, this is it. I have about an hour left until I go into surgery. I have a 45% chance of surviving and I'm spending my could be last hour on here with you faggots. If I don't make it, I just want to let you all know that I love you all.

Thanks for the good times guys.

Other urls found in this thread:


He'll be fine

Bye man

This is OP's last dubs thread. If this comment is also dubs, the faggot is required to live and post pictures of whatever is cut out of him.

> trips choose what OP has cut out if surgery did not originally require removing anything interesting

If you die you won't know if you live you won't care. You be ok

What kind of surgury. Wats wrong with u op?


OP. Why do you have a surgery? What's up. Make sure you post back or w.e. to let us know you're fine :)

Good luck, OP. I'll remember you if the worst should come to pass.

Someone screencap in case of wins

all these dubs

OP will probably faggot it up and not deliver

hope he'll be ok though

I have a cancerous tumor withing my spinal area. The cancer is spreading quickly to my spinal chord. If I don't get the surgery I would have a week to live. But I have to take the risk of getting the surgery. I'm actually bawling right now at the thought that I could have 52 minutes left in my life.

Dubs demand you to survive fucktard.

Hang in there. How old are you OP

If trips, you survive. If not, Sup Forums keeps your soul.

Sorry I didn't clarify what type of surgery. I forget what they call it. I'm kind of not in my right state of mind rn. All I know is that I'm getting the tumor removed.



Well bud, chin up

I know a dude who did that, he's fine now.

Roll for survival. Also, i'll dump some porn for OP. OP, have a last fap, you fucktard

I lost trips to captcha, sorry OP

Look on the bright side, OP. You have dubs, and you have a decent chance to survive. A bit like a coin flip, really

Good luck my dude, just take comfort in the fact that well wage war on Tumblr in your name

OP, promise me that if when you get out of surgery you make the world your oyster

Do you regret anything about your life?

have you found God?



Don't worry OP. Your not going to miss anything extravagant.

> waiting-on-op-to-deliver.jpg

I don't know why you're hanging out here, bud, but I just did a bit of cancer myself. Got lucky and between radiation and a shit ton of chemo, I'm cool now. Only a bit of spinal damage for me.

Good luck little faggot. I want to see you in here shitposting again soon.

Are you going to do anything about it if you survive?

I hope you fuckig die Faggit

Before you go under make sure you ask that your body pics are posted here

Eat a baby. Maybe two.

> not op

Hope you survive op

Aww he dead


Well Op, you'll be coming back. Make a thread when you do so we can see the scars. Godspeed, brother.

Post a picture of yourself and you can live forever on the internet and my wallpaper.

We will make you a glorious meme

I love you too man. Make another post when you Come back and name it the b-tard who lived to tell the story.


Do this so we can make a feels thread if you die.
If you don't die, we'll have a YLYL thread for you.

Ensure your immortality with us op

You got it Sup Forumsro

good luck OP

He will live!

Op is going to find out who wants to live more, his cancer cells or himself.

46 min. left

What will be your last p0rn.mov ?

The fuhrer will make you survive OP


Op we must have your photo and location so we can check the obituaries if you pass. The least we can do is enshrine you in Sup Forums glory so you live on forever.


Good luck OP

flip a coin to test your luck op

doctorfag here OP

If your cancer is so aggressive as you are saying, odds are it is specially susceptible to chemo.

Also, no one ever dies from spinal surgery. You may be become paralized, but hey, it beats dying right.

Hang in there, tomorrow you'll be far better off than you are now (either way lol)

I hope you survive Sup Forumsro

Hang in there budd

Can we get a name location to search for you

good luck, a nice thing to know is that you're part of the generation that is able to survive from spinal and bone tumors. Detection back in the day was never good enough for the more hidden cancers, and the likelyhood of you dying is less so because of that. Be proud of who you are and however long you have lived, because chances are you have changed someones life permanently without even knowing about it. Just relax, breathe, and be hopeful for a brighter future, even if you may not be in it.

Good luck from Anthony in Florida, OP. You'll make it.

That awkward moment where Sup Forums is being kind and supportive.

Also, get well soon man.

Man, im trying to imagine just counting down the minutes...

Good luck OP

23 minutes....

Thanks for the support Sup Forumsros. I read every single one of your posts. I'm heading to the hospital now. Maybe I'll see you all soon :,)

I hope this is not bait
if it not I hope you live

some say that heaven is filled with spongebob

Good luck bro. May you forever have rare pepes.

Lets cheer OP up Sup Forumsois

Godspeed you glorious faggot.

I'm praying for you user, so that you may shit-post another day. Godspeed.

>sitting at work
>boring, slow day
>browsing Sup Forums

IMO the best way for you use the last 15 that you have left to write a diary page.

>pepe gets caught

Best wishes Sup Forumsro. We're all going to make it someday.

Good luck user. Hope you beat it.

>if op survives he makes a thread tomorrow at 13:37 stating "ravioli ravioli i beat the shit out of cancerioli"

Good luck,OP.

You'll be fine m8

Good luck user

Yea bro. If you don't follow up we will grab a beer with you in hell. We can swap our best trap pics.

>mfw in hell

gmt +0

OP plz

Prove me a faggot. Pic related.

Goodluck OP I wish you the best, when you survive this make sure you live the rest of your life to the full

I hope you beat the shit out of this cancer OP

We will remember you Op.

Godspeed OP. Harambe is watching over you.

>under tale
OP does not deserve this



Good luck, and update us when you get out safe and sound.

Please tell us if you die user

Do it op

I die.

Gl m8

Dying > living > living with paralysis

all the Sup Forumsros on/b/

Good luck sweet Pepe I have faith in u
