At last, I have truly held The Door©

At last, I have truly held The Door©.

Cant believe people eat this shit up.

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Well the average person isn't very intelligent, they just see drama and eat it up. You could kill off every single character and have the show be about ants trying to take the throne and they'd eat the shit up.

This entire episode was a mess of "No budget, we have no idea what GRRM told us, also Hodor's name started with a W, nah it can't be Wylis, it's totally Walder, like Walder Frey!" Also Hodor, I remember reading a thing n 08 about Hold the door, lets go with that, because the name Hodor couldn't possibly be taken from Hodur the Norse God of the Cold/Dark, that'd make too much sense where they're at and considering the White Walker. Also lol Summer is dead, Winter has come, even though Winter has been a thing in the books for ages now. Also remember the entire story about the First Men, the 4,000 year old Pact with the Children of the Forest and the 13th Night's Watch Commander, we sure don't!"

I bet GRRM is sitting there shaking his head and just being like, I might as well write about Dany shitting for entire book if this is what it takes to tell an apparent story, don't need any amount of tact whatsoever.

>because the name Hodor couldn't possibly be taken from Hodur the Norse God of the Cold/Dark, that'd make too much sense

How in the fuck would real world mythology make sense in Westeros?

What is an allusion?

oh yeah, wow, because that would be so cool and make so much sense.

Yes because an actual reference to a mythology is worse than time travel shenanigans and a simple Hold the Door brain frying right? I mean it wasn't the fact that Bran was constantly Warging into Hodor, it wasn't seeing people die and being forced to kill people that fried his brain further, it wasn't the War, it wasn't anything like that, no, it was literal time travel shenanigans to just "Hold the Door".

Yeah, you're right, that makes a lot more sense and is clearly a better story telling narrative by far.

I'm OP and even I think you're a faggot

>Yeah, you're right, that makes a lot more sense and is clearly a better story telling narrative by far.

I'm glad we agree and I'm also glad you're not a writer.

You're clearly the very people you're complaining about then, considering you're eating this up.
I'm also glad you're not a writer then by any means. To hell with story telling, lets just toss time travel and other character destroying re-writes, storylines removed, etc. Gotta sell to that basic ass crowd. We'll seem deep and intricate.

Haha, do you really believe alluding to norse mythology is story telling? I'm not even saying this was a good episode, I believe the writers are pretty bad.

I just think you have shitty ideas and an inflated ego,