GoT: Holdor

I think this is very important but it's not clear to me.

Did he hold the door on his own or was Bran controlling him?

Bran was controlling him in the present through the past. Bran caused Hodors seizure in the past a a result of him warging him in the future.

Hodor is a Tyler Durden-esque projection of Bran's repressed psyche. He lost the use of his legs but not his mind, so he fantasises about being an able-bodied retard.

I get that but who was holding the door? Present Bran or Present Hodor?

the fucking hamfisted way they played this reveal out was disgusting. No one would fucking repeat "hold the door, hold the door, hold the door, hold the door" over and over again in that situation... unless it's to make sure the stupid as fuck audience knows it's meant to be hodor's name origin.

Past Bran

This show is really getting terrible.

I never understood the hatred towards the writers, now I do. Did they honestly think this was clever? To me it just seemed so forced and unnecessary. They took a cool character's gimmick and made it overly meaningful, taking away its charm. This plot development adds nothing that wouldn't be there if Bran just warged normally and Hodor died. The fact that Bran is responsible for his deficit is like 'okay, and? well we're damn lucky that deficit existed because otherwise Bran would've died long ago'.


>mfw black people get warged in every day

WTF I hate white people now

This was straight from gurm himself, bookfriend

The post-show interview with D&D confirms "Hold the door" is straight from GRRM. The context will probably be different, but it probably involves Bran fucking with his brain by warging. Bran and Meera outrunning an army of wights because Hodor blocked a door doesn't seem very GRRM-esque to me, though. Hopefully it'll make more sense in the book.

As for your question, I dunno. I guess it is Bran holding the door. But because he's warging into present-Hodor while still in the past, that fucks up past-Hodor, forming a closed loop.

So in that sense, Hodor holding the door isn't some brave, self-sacrificial thing. It's Bran controlling him, and essentially murder. That actually is pretty GRRM-esque, as the books repeatedly mention that warging into humans is a really shitty thing to do but Bran just keeps doing it. There has to be a price, namely Hodor's mind and his life.