ITT: Post absolutely anything

ITT: Post absolutely anything.

Other urls found in this thread:

absolutely anything

Absolutely anything

absolutely anything

absolutely anything

Absolutely anything

absolutely anything

absolutely anything

absolutely anything

XD lmao put me in the screencap boiz Sup Forumss not dead after all!!! ^o^

absolutely anything

Absolutely anything

Post qt horsies :3c

Absolutely nothing


>absolutely anything

but, like, why would u do that tho?


probably a stump fetishist



Look'it this cutie patootie.

We have a containment board for a reason

Your why everyone hates us but at least we arent as bad as the furries

mustard gas


What's the fucking point of that fans speed?

>Why everyone hates us
You're the only one responding c:


Absolutely anything




What are you Sup Forums?


anything except that, faggot

Samefagging is real





If you saw the fan, I've got bad news for you



absolutely anything





What is mexican sugar dancing?

Big D reporting in.

if you have to ask, you'll never know...


abso-fucking-lutly any-fucking-thing


I dunno but Mexican sugar conjures the image of either cocaine or sand. Probably sand.

pokegirl feet porn

absolutely anything


Tweeted for the first time in my life last night.


i made a twitter account just to stalk some suicidal attention whore i found on /soc/... livin the dream


This guy deserves some sort award.

Neat is it working?


yeah i guess. i know her address, she lives 3 hours and 20 minutes from me, i know her parent's names, where she works, likes and dislikes, etc. not gonna do anything it's just fun to creep on a stranger

might just fucking kill myself with those scissors.

lol I can for you?

Hate you guys more than furries.

If you think you're somehow less pathetic, take a step back, a deep breath, and re evaluate the situation.

Use the electric plug instead

>Do it now




10/10 for observation.

nah i kinda like her



>"bwah i need attention and now i'm getting it but it still won't be enough to stop me from being a huge faggot on this board in the future"

That's sweet you should probably just say something then.


God forbid anyone feeling low use the internet.

Anyone truly wanting attention posts gore and unfunny ylyl

God forbid you learn to use boards like adv so people who want to feel like shit for someone else at that exact moment could see it instead of people who just want to fucking lol for a second after a long day of work.
Yea i totally am the one who sucks in this situation.

Go on son
>I'm listening

Ur doing it wrong dad its like this

Just saved this earlier from Sup Forums






I was only joking dood. Like you said, long day at work. A bit stressed, no drama.

I'm too high lol. Thank you user x




apparently im a creep

This actually seems pretty cool, but ill try it later


Okay, is Mexican sugar dancing a real thing?

Thnks bro, just made these. I had 4 extra gram of cannabisses to add. #caifrnia bro

Posting pictures as soon as i upload