So this is going to be shit, right?
Rogue One
Camden Bailey
Nathaniel Wood
The Rebels parts may be, but the Empire scenes will be GOAT with Darth Vader, based Mendelsohn and based Mads.
David Green
nah it looks cool. dont be so negative bro. just wait and see. you might be right, or not.
Oliver Bell
It's only purpose is to make shekels.
Christopher Gray
Is it black-and-white film?
David Sullivan
Looks better than TFA
Leo Hernandez
>just pay for the movie before you decide if it's worth watching
Logan Powell
yes sir
Angel Turner
i rebel
Alexander Cox
This right here. More Darth Vader scenes will be rad. Especially if hes scaled up to 11 on the holy shit run away scale. Even the Darth vader scenes in the shitty rebels disney show are like god damn this guy is cool.