
Every year I hope that the 10 will come.
The 10 never comes.

Other urls found in this thread:

robertchristgau.com/get_artist.php?id=6450&name=Nicki Minaj
robertchristgau.com/get_artist.php?name=king crimson

damn i thought blackstar had a chance of making him accept bowie was a good artist

le opinions man



Are these ratings correct?

never gonna happen
he's probably too jaded to ever even seriously consider giving anything else a 9 past the last one

it's a little known fact that he a room filled with opinions that he never released

someday he'll die and they'll crack open the vault
then Sup Forums will be truly enlightened

what's his highest rated album?

you're not ready yet

imagine taking years to write only a handful of shallow three-sentence thoughts with typos on albums and having a board of lonely nerds heralding your opinion as gospel

He has the taste of an Italian baby boomer.

People confuse his fickleness for patrician knowledge but he's really just into late-60s - early-70s rock and nothing else really compares.

His list of best new wave is hilarious. It's mostly late-era punk rock. There is a difference.

His recommended Italian shit is good though:

Finally, Sup Forums will realize that Scaruffi is very prejudiced, and also dull to the fact that visual or contextual cues can enhance an auditory experience above and beyond a shallow viewpoint. I've always disliked how he looks at art, like products made to be sold to "educated" people. Hopefully his foolish and poor writing will fade away from this board.

I don't LOVE Blackstar, but his opinion Is very uneducated and brief. He's obviously a spokesperson for the buzz-word business, and in fact might be an adored resident on any blog full of teenagers.

Also, calling Bowie pathetic is quite ignorant. I picture a petulant child screaming through a microphone at a man who cannot possibly do anything about it. What a waste of print his career has been.

Makes me ashamed to love so many albums that he loves, but that's how it goes I suppose.

why do people like him when Christgau exists?

I don't know why


he was right though

Yeah it's closer to a 3 or a 2. Don't know why he loves Bowie so much.

>The radical right-wing media (Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, etc) were very efficient in demonizing Hillary Clinton (See this article on the lengthy campaign to demonize her). Her approval rating was actually quite high when she was secretary of state. The moment it became obvious that she was going to run for president the radical right-wing media started a coordinated campaign to demonize her that resulted in record-low approval ratings. Ten years from now people will not even be able to explain what the problem was with her email server and what exactly was the big deal with the Benghazi attack that killed four people. Ten years from now people will find it very difficult to articulate why they opposed her so strongly. The radical right-wing media have perfected the strategy of subliminal brain conditioning.

>a handful of shallow three-sentence thoughts with typos on albums
No, you're thinking of Christgau.

I wish Scaruffi weren't so liberal. He actually thinks that Stalin was a perpetrator of genocide and, from this passage, apparently finds no fault in Hillary Clinton, quite possibly the shittiest human being alive.

Christgau isn't shallow though, he can perfectly express his strong opinions with those few sentences.

His political opinions are retarded. But he did criticize the Democrats and their actions over the past year quite a bit as well

I give this comment three smiley faces out of five. B-

>all that propaganda


scaruffi as usual triggering retards

which is what most criticism is anyway, it all comes down to 2 burritos out of 5 or whatever. If you're looking for longer essays that analyze a musician/musicians more in depth, he's written lots of those.

>it's propaganda to realize that Hillary Clinton is a godawful person and a shitty candidate even without the right-wing media's help
Scaruffi has good taste in music, but he is politically retarded.

Christgau often has a terrible taste, that's why.

he might be wrong, but he is still less wrong than those who rated blackstar 8, 9 or 10/10.

>giardini di mirĂ²

my nigga

christgau gave vampire weekend an a+ and spiderland a c+

He also gave A- to fucking Soulja Boy.

funny how a grandpa in his seventies understands the intent of soulja boy yet a board full of people most probably close to twenty-five don't

>no painting with

WTF bros he was supposed to pan it!

>christgayfags will defend this

did david bowie molest him or something?

Defend this shit
robertchristgau.com/get_artist.php?id=6450&name=Nicki Minaj
robertchristgau.com/get_artist.php?name=king crimson
I challenge you

>His list of best new wave

Pere Ubu: Modern Dance (Blank)
Suicide: self-titled (Bronze)
Pop Group: Y (Radar)
Residents: Meet the Residents (Ralph)
Chrome: Half Machine Lips Move (Siren)
Television: Marquee Moon (Elektra)
Feelies: Crazy Rhythms (Stiff)
Patti Smith: Radio Ethiopia (Arista)
Talking Heads: More Songs About Building And Food (Sire)
Devo: Are We Not Men (WB)
Richard Hell: Blank Generation (Stiff)
This Heat: self-titled (Piano)
XTC: White Music (Virgin)
Cars: I (Elektra)


he will die before another 9 comes

>He actually thinks that Stalin was a perpetrator of genocide
>implying he fucking wasn't

why does anyone care what he thinks?


wtf I love christgau now

what was the last one again

>A Moon Shaped Pool

>Angel Guts - Red Classroom

>apparently finds no fault in Hillary Clinton
Scroll down to "Democracy's Apocalypse".

>in the court of the crimson king D-
man this guy sucks way more than scaruffi

>actually thinking anyone likes christgau
It's just him shilling himself and shitposters apeing him.

Hash Jar Tempo - Well Oiled (1997)

>Back when I was a young feller, we called these things hootenannies, only we thought they needed songs
What does any of this shit mean?

It's avant-garde reviewing man.

Christgau is so pretentious he goes full circle and ends up criticizing experimental music and praising popular music

>As usual with Bowie, Blackstar (RCA, 2016), produced again by Tony Visconti,, is mostly image and very little about the music. The ten-minute Blackstar, that was supposed to be the centerpiece, is little more than a funereal litany a` la Doors with jazz horns that goes on five minutes too many. Bowie crooning melodramatic in Lazarus (from his Broadway musical about an alien who falls in love) or romantic in Dollar Days is either delirious and pathetic, certainly not entertaining. His tedious voice interferes with the driving jazz jam of 'Tis a Pity She Was a Whore and with the frenzied and tense Sue (a 2014 single). Even when the voice is not a distraction, the rest is hardly intriguing: I Can't Give Everything Away boasts an awful distorted guitar against syncopated beats and layers of electronic drones: not exactly genius. This is trivial "music" that any amateur could make, except that most amateurs would be ashamed to release it.

>Bowie died of cancer in january 2016.

i always thought they were just some snazzy pomo neocommunalist joke band, glad to see someone agrees

animal collective is terrible, so yeah easy to defend this

Scruff on Kendrick
>an artist who lacks the visceral energy of Public Enemy and Tackhead while also lacking the poetic depth of Kanye West and the musical genius of El-P.
>poetic depth of Kanye West
I thought TPAB was overrated and Kanye is one of my favourite artists but this made me chuckle. Although I do agree to some extent with the other points.

to pimp a butterfly 6/10


Imagine being this deluded.

this is good?? it sounds like the timing is wrong....

Oh my fuck did he shit on Divers hahahahahaha


u just memed yourself into liking literal shit because other ppl said it was good


What the fuck is that

I've enjoyed it before I came on Sup Forums or heard of Scaruffi. I bet you memed yourself into disliking it.

>being this new

>poetic depth of Kanye
>poetic depth
Lmao. I do agree about the genius of El-P bit considering the guy's pre-RTJ work. Not sure about the Public Enemy comparison; I feel that Kendrick's artistic highs (like the track 'u' on TPAB) outdoes PE on the visceral end, but on average he doesn't, but there's also the production of PE's stuff which hasn't aged all that well.

honestly jesus

Yeah, it deserves lower

>he pretends to enjoy this pile of shit album because other people say it's good


I didn't say it was good or bad, only that you'd have to be a complete newfag to never have seen it posted on Sup Forums before

>This is trivial "music" that any amateur could make, except that most amateurs would be ashamed to release it.

>Bowie died of cancer in january 2016.

fucking savage

Came here to post about this. I don't even care about the album - but Kanye's "poetic depth"? and then he also describes the silly "god is hobo" story as brilliant. What a pleb he has become.

not even a big fan of anco but any critic that puts "they didn't write actual songs" as a criticism is terrible at their supposed job

what score will he give the most important and innovative hip hop record to come out ever

>his opinion Is very uneducated
Nobody on this board, and I mean nobody, no a single kid in his 20s, has the authority to claim that.

He is though. You can dissect most of his statements with a little bit of googling. Not to mention that a lot of the music he considers good (his top 3 for example) is droned by every other Italian critic out there, too. His taste in terms of what he finds to be good music isn't original at all; the fun novelty value comes from his irrational dislike of more mainstream records that have achieved massive critical acclaim (which most of the Italian critics he drones off of actually like.)

>Falling for a bait that obvious

When will he review Terminal Redux

>he actually liked meme shaped pool
what a fucking hack

I agree, Trout Mask says everything.. Faust..

wow lol

6/10 is accurate for TPaB, there was just too much filler in the second half in my opinion

All these words yet not a single decent criticism.
Scruffy 1 x 0 you

Does he like Bowie's classic stuff?

see for yourself my dude

Weird that he rates some of his later stuff higher then some of his best early albums.

seems acurate desu


bowie sucked dick (literally and figuratively)

accurate scores
heroes is bowies best hands down

So does your mom (literally and figuratively)

wtf I hate blackstar now

bowie fans really have strong argumentation


What the fuck is good about Earthling?

bowie fans should check out Last Christmas by George Michael, he is talking about his death there, super meta concept, I'm feeling a strong 9 on this one

So does you