Who would you cast and have direct the Killdozer movie?

Who would you cast and have direct the Killdozer movie?


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>uwe boll
>will smith son

That's mildly epic.

I don't think there's enough drama there for a movie, though. The original conflict would have to be something more interesting than a land dispute (or whatever it was) and I'd probably spice it up by having two people inside the killdozer, which would present more opportunities for drama.

After a couple of twists, the audience would get to know who the people in the killdozer are about midway through the movie. Neither of them would be a stereotypical redneck. Maybe a 25-30-year-old trailer park girl(Emma Roberts) and her husband's 17-year-old son(some random kid who is no older than 20 irl)...

John Landis
Matthew Broderick

>Director: Zack Snyder

>JK Simmons as Marvin Heemeyer
>Will Smith as Hero cop who saved the day
>Caterpillar D9 as Komatsu D355A

who would you cast and have direct the 'it's 1987 and we filming at night in a convenience store' movie?


I want a scene where protag is hammering iron like a smith in his garage, mirroring Iron Man.

Danny Devito and Bob Hoskins

I think you could make a great movie out of this. Jeremy Saulnier should direct it.

Killdozer's story is what largely inspired Andrei Zvyagintsev to make Leviathan.

Amazing how they got most of the original cast for the remake.


Nicloahaus Wiidhing Refern
Mads Mikkelsen

Intro credits are a quick montage of the reasons why the dude did it.
Whole movie is a 2h oner of the actual rampage with a virtual camera sfx that goes into the lens of the surveillance cameras outside his tank and exits in front of Mads eyes for that look of determination reaction shot of when he destroys a building -sort of like in panic room.

Shot in fargo like conditions

End credits shows real life pictures of people posing next to the killdozer smilling and shit.

Yagten; The Hunt 2


And Kaufman screenwrites, Duncan Jones directs, Jeff Daniels as Killdozer

I kept waiting for the goddamn killdozer. All I got was existential despair and hellish landscapes.

The intro montage should have him actually building the dozer with him narrating why he did it.

This is pretty good.

Can someone write how they trailer would go down?

The protagonist's sympathetic best friend

Let me guess, you want him to be naked too?

Fine. I'm already emailing Singer.

Favorite part of Killdozer?

Policeman 1: "Stop him!"
Policeman 2: "I can't, hes got a dozer!"

The guy behind the camera sounds like Ryan Gosling

Director: John McTiernan
Killdozer: Kevin Nash

>"What's plan B!?"

Reminded me of the Ace Ventura rhino birth scene.

Perfect casting.

Director: Jerry London

Clint Walker
Carl Bets
Neville Brand
James Wainwright
Robert Urich
James A. Watson Jr.

Keanu as the hero.

I like the part where some dude challenged the killdozer with his own vehicle. With some rewrites it would make an epic movie scene

>"Let them fight"

Didn't that guy get rekt though?

Director: Micheal Bay
Killdozer: Jason Statham
Jackie Chan: Hero cop one
Michelle Rodregez: Hero Cop 2

Dave Mustaine

This. You don't actually see him physically, but it'll jump from all all black background with various actors names, and then quickly show a shot of sparks flying off the side of the vehicle. Instead of him explaining, it'll be dramatic sounding music.


wasnt there also a guy that stole a real tank ?

>Will Smith
>Not Idris

Link please

There was, I'm pretty sure he was killed by the police though

What was that mst3k where there was a Killdozer-esque machine that they were cheering for?

Yes. There was a movie based on that case.

>recasting the bulldozer


>That poo in loo tripping balls hard
Always gets me

I imagine it ending with a freeze frame of Emma Roberts driving the killdozer off a cliff with a sea of cop cars behind them.

The movie is called Cul De Sac: A Suburban War Story (2002)


probably because you misspelled jagten

>.............................................I Doze.

I think a better intro would be a heated argument to frame why he did it, especially if the whole thing is shot in a found footage style like suggests. You could have him occasionally speak to a camera he's using to document his work to further flesh out his motivations and rationale instead of using a voice over narration.

You could just read his notes out loud.

Heh. It could be a fakeout freeze frame that lasts for a few seconds, before she either
detonates a suicide bomb that kills the police, or lands in a cornily unharmful fashion and keeps on dozin' towards the sequel.

I imagine the reference would be too obscure for the target audience, though.

What is your favorite bulldozing/tank/thefuckisthatvehicule/public infrastructure destruction scene in film user?

Starting with a few classics



Stephen Lang

Chloe Moretz as the Killdozer

because she is box shaped

William Atherton as the Government official who wants to take his land from him.

>mfw the world is shit not

I remember when this happened.

You push a man to far and this is what happens. Never forget

Are Americans all this sociopathic and bloodthirsty?

I'm glad my parents immigrated to Canada instead

You people are like dirty dogs; in need of being put down.

Have you never felt the unquenchable desire to turn your bobcat into an armoured vehicle and run over your ex's house?

Then you have never lived

I would watch it 2bh

What a hardcore dude