Sup Sup Forums, dubs decide what I should do with this picture

Sup Sup Forums, dubs decide what I should do with this picture

Replace the iron with a bag of coke.

replicate it the best you can IRL and then put it on the internet



Print 18 full page copies of it and put it in your neighbour's mailbox


This. But also take out the logo


I want this to happen.

Delete it

does trips still count as dubs, or is dubs only exclusively 2?

Trips don't lie

I have two, I deleted the old one, here is the new canvas. Dubs can still decide.

Kek, add some coke to his nose while your at it.

Delete all copies of that photo


Take the man and the iron and have the iron on a girls ass and his other hand on her back. Try this even if this isn't dubs

Replace what is being ironed with the face of NFKRZ




Dubs have decided

congrats user, I will do just that, but first I want to mod the photo to make it a bit more interesting.


Show modified pic

There we go, what else should I put on to this for my neighbour's. Btw, he's jewish.

Make him aryan.

Give him a big nose

you got it