Im gonna fuck a pineapple soon (pic related, except kinda inverted...

Im gonna fuck a pineapple soon (pic related, except kinda inverted, hole in the center but all the meat there) and i was wondering about the possibily of injury from the bromelain in it. What do you think Sup Forumsros, condom or no condom? Will post the video either way when i do it.

no condom in the name of science

But like what are the chances that it literally starts dissolving the proteins in my dick head?

0 do it without a condom

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Also for,more pineapple fucking info: im 7.5-8 inches uncut, shaven.

Would the,pineapple juice deterorate the latex in a condom?

Pineapple won't damage the condom but would do interesting things to your unprotected skin.

I use the remains of the process in OPs first pic after putting them in a blender to soften and remove calluses from my feet.....

Pls bump

So would it be a Burning sensation? What would happen if i got it in my cockhole

its acid, try eating a lot of pineapple and u will see how ur gums feel