>still using "kek"
What's your excuse for not using zozzle?

I'm not a faggot that goes against longstanding traditions. Gtfo newfag


>still using "kek"
you must be 4 years old to think you can force a "meme" this faggy way. GTFO faggotron.

Listen, kek is actually tge way it is for a very simple reason. Tf is zozzle? Nothing. lt makes no sense. Come back and try again when you "trendy" hipsdurrs have something that makes sense.

kek is overused and unfunny. Use zozzle instead

Your mom is overused

>mfw kek is a religious figure from ancient Egypt who gains powers from repeating digits
>mfw dubs and meme magic have caused both george soros and HRC to have seizures.
>mfw kek's feminine opposite is named kuk
>mfw actual shills fight against a joke because they are afraid kek may be real.

Top kek user

>still using mom jokes
Get out of here summerfag

GTFO summerfag trying to ruin this site