How am I supposed to get over her Sup Forums? I fell in love with her and she feels nothing back...

How am I supposed to get over her Sup Forums? I fell in love with her and she feels nothing back. She's the one that I want Sup Forums. Hold me.

find someone/something to distract you

kidnap and rape her

Aaand this is why she feels nothing back..... Pussy.

It's called scar tissue.

Makes you stronger.

Go out and get some more.

Go work on a fishing boat. That's what they do in the novels.

I’m in the same situation, it will take a few days for you to admit the situation but you have to find someone else and keep her just as an friend

Disney and porn in about 50/50 proportions, then comfort food before nuking every possible way of contacting her and getting a new hobby

You wont. You wont ever get over her. She took a piece of your heart and you wont ever get it back. Ever.

You are now forever changed.

All you can do is learn to deal with it. Learn to make anything relating to her numb to you.

This is what separates men from boys. To live with a scar that wont quite heal. You want to know what growing up is? Heres the tip.

This 100%