It's a shame Sup Forums defends this shit eater because he was gay and you're libcucks

It's a shame Sup Forums defends this shit eater because he was gay and you're libcucks

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t. raised by the internet

I don't really get why people are so opposed towards gays. I'm straight and I don't advocate for gay rights but if a dude likes duck let him eat dick, why does it bother you? Just leave em alone.

>browses Sup Forums once


>m straight and I don't advocate for gay rights but if a dude likes duck let him eat dick, why does it bother you?
something not being able to give birth something
im not anti-gay but its kinda easy to see why ppl dislike gays
not forgetting the media shoving down ppls throats girl gays thats not an actual representation of gay ppl

memes aside, he was genuinely talented and his solo work was GOAT


whats your problem bro?

did u read what i said?

the media only focuses on showing the girly man gays which isn't an accurate portal of how gay people are. not forgetting some ppl don't think its right that they can't give birth

Kind of puts your pathetic existence in to perspective OP.

kek, BTFO

who gives a fuck if someone gives birth or not?


Getting kind of spooky in here

>Sup Forums listening to top40 muzak
Trying to meme too hard, drumpf.

I'm a curry nigger who voted for Brexit and adored Nixon and LEE KUAN YEW.I loved that faggot's music too. Don't put me in a pigeon box,americunts! Multikulture and faggy music is great, user. Germany's EU can eat nigger ebola AIDS dicks though. I'm a FREEEEEK! however I wanna.

We're at 7 billion and counting m8, if there's ever a time for naturally-introduced population control it's now.

Are you god? Are you muh bro's keeper? Are you the lord of the rings? No? Fuck off then. I ain't gonna do whacha tell me to do. I'm gonna fwap to 2D grills, fuck you.

Been happening for as long as recorded history desu

I forget how this board has poor reading comprehension

Jesus says a good deed isn't a good deed unless you do it in private without anyone seeing or knowing, so as not to bring attention to yourself.

so how do we know about jesus good deeds then?

ppl ratted him out


>If a dude likes duck, let him eat dick.
I hear you loud and clear

Kek right-wing propaganda all the media and education system is, is leftist bull shit intended to brainwash those who see it

>is, is
Tell me more about the education system

I guarantee you more than half this board would have already forgotten him if you didn't post this thread.

Say that to those trips

Cuckservatives claim to be for individual freedom but then argue against it when it doesn't fit their agenda. Go back to pol which is basically a safe space at this point.

Plus that is grammatically correct even if a bit awkward

Population growth is not a problem in developed western countries. The population of China is 1.5 billion, India is 1.5 billion, Africa is 1.5 billion. America has inly a population of 300 million. Stop being a faggot and learn that the global population has nothing to do with how every country should approach birthrates.

That's what leftists do
The right is vocal when something goes against their agenda but they don't go out of there way to silence what doesn't fit their close mindedness.

>implying liberals are leftists


Large populations reside in poor nations 1st world countries have an average of 2.5 kids and the number is dropping. Poor countries average 5-7 because usually only 2 will survive to reproduce if you're so concerned with over population take into consideration that the 12 billionth person will never be born.
Also check out the kurzgesagt video on the topic.

Oh your right, I forgot saying shut up was the same as murder to you people.

How are you able to type with your head so far up your ass?

kinda like how calling someone a racist or sexist is CENSORSHIP
or pointing out that someone is white or a man means you HATE ALL WHITE MEN

The dude just died, moms pissed, and it has nothing to do with politics.

Go back to fondling Trumps nuts

Oh so calling someone out on their racism is "silencing" people?

The problem is that if we allow the false notion that not having kids is ok in developed countries, then our youth will be replaced with immigrants. And that would not be a problem if the immigrants came into the country at a rate that allowed, or forced, them to assimilate. If you have 1, 000 people coming into a city who can all speak the same foreign language fluently, they are going to create their own community within that city. And again, that may not sound like a problem, but you have to remember that all of the racial tension in america stems from the segregation of black communities from others. It creates a terrible "us vs them" mentality. So why would we want allow that to happen again?

>our youth will be replaced with immigrants


White people are finished. Accept it

1.calling someone racist or sexist isn't censorship, but banning/killing/silencing/threatening people who are called that is.
2. Pointing out someone's race,"gender", or political affiliation as a means to discredit their argument is wrong regardless of the race or gender of who is talking be it they are male, female, black, white, etc.

Racial tension comes from racist like you...

Huh? Where are all these liberals massacring people?

7 million Politically Incorrect Patriots were murdered during the Great Hillary Riots of 2016.

No but banning and physical violence is

sargon of akkad and davis aurini told him so that must mean it's true



>physical violence


can you liberals and alt-right kids fuck off
both of you are pieces of shit who sit on your ass all day whining about why the other group sucks
this is a music board fuck off

okay special snowflake

Sup Forums is alt right and trump territory

don't like it? Then leave

>next thread

nah he's right man you guys are all as bad as each other
none of you can form your own opinions and you assume everyone else is thinking using these bullshit presets you got given by the identity politics brigade

subhuman scum

>Sup Forums is alt right and trump territory
I thought Sup Forums was an containment board