Hey guys

hey guys,

i got schiz, i think people are coughing and sniffing at me on the tube,

how does it feel your gf wants my dick 10x more than yours

Must be weird having your mom want your dick then user.


my mom, my aunts, my cousins, my teachers, im a med student so the patients i talk to, every fucking one

>med student
Judging from the attitude, I'd say a third year med student. Come back once you've graduated. Then we will see.

On a semi-related note, what field of medicine are you going in to?

not third year, im not giving more deets

and dunno, just adjusting to talking to patients again knowing they all want my dick and or trying to make my life difficult cause of the paranoid aspect of the illness,


it's uncomfortable when patients touch you and you're like, i'm tryna be professional here

My girlfriend doesn't like dick, so you must be a pussy.

It's a form of communication often used in espionage. Most of them are just attention whores and faggots tho.


When people touch you they're being friendly you autist.

My aunts touch me all the time, so do my teachers. Im not a 9/10 but im happy and friendly all the time.

Stop being an asspie.

yea probably, hopefully one day i can forget about all this shit and be like, nah none of it's real, but at the moment im still hella awkward about all this shit

Obviously not psych. The main visible social aspect of schizophrenia is delusions of grandeur, obviously. I don't wanna burst your bubble but I'm pretty sure almost no one wants your dick.

How're clinicals going?

thought Sup Forums was a place where you could talk about shit without giving a shit, yea it's all not fucking real blah blah blah, i'm just a normal guy, pheremones aren't real, w/e bud

also you know why this works out great for me, once i get totally comfortable with all this shit, off medication, and i'm no longer bothered by the paranoia aspect, it's gonna be hella easy to get laid

cause everyone has to be normal and pretend none of it's real, so i can socialise, hang out, do all normal things, and women have to pretend they're not aching for my dick, it's great

everyone has to act normal and pretend they're not all dying for my dick, so i can be hella social, have friends, be like, normal, whilst also having every woman be wet as shit for me, this could be alright you know

double reply



also fuck antipsychotic medication,

all you fucks have created an illness that literally ruins people's lives and the treatment is literally a medication that kills your ability to think normally and causes long term cognitive decline, thank fuck i'm adjusting and fitting in again, imagine all the people who never get over the coughing and sniffing and are confined to their homes and need antipsychotic medication. medication which fucking kills their brain. it's fucking shitty man