Does anyone know a non virused free and easy way to download whole youtube playlists in mp3 ? Individual files...

Does anyone know a non virused free and easy way to download whole youtube playlists in mp3 ? Individual files, not one big mp3 file.

Other urls found in this thread:

offliberty is quick and easy lol


yea but im talking about 400 songs in my list. Do i really need to download everyone, one by one ?

Enter the url of the playlist into then it will save lad

key word was used "playlist".

Trust no dolphin. Trust no rapist.

so apart from downloading every song singly there isnt a bulk downloader thing that can just download the whole playlist ?




It's a command line tool. Since youtube/google fuckery is so frequent, each version ceases to function in months if not weeks
Get the newest version from source.
Think it's on a github site.. Just look up youtube-dl

ahh man whats that shit, need python installed, you trying to download snakes into my computer pal ?

Freeyoutube to mp3. Use this all the time.

What kind of pleb doesn't already have python?
>the kind that is afraid to install it
Never before have I come across such an über retarded mongoloid idiot.
Fucking scrub. You don't deserve youtube-dl

Pirated version, otherwise the video limit is 25 videos per playlist

damn man you seem annoyed, the type thats not a inward fucking virgin. Turns out my hobbies aren't sitting in my house all day fat as fuck. I go to the gym. I spend time with my girl. I work 60 hours a week as a personal trainer. Go fuck yourself mate. try accepting people who aren't exactly like you and you'll live a happier life.

>getting defensive
relax you roody-poo assclown
It's like you don't even realize where we are

yea man, epic troll. You got me.

Hey shit for brains, did you miss the part where OP said "non virus"?


Is this thread meant to be legit or just another Sup Forums shit.

If you're a windows 8/10 fag SimpleTube to MP3 in the windows store

You should try out JDownloader. I'm not sure if it works, as I'm not using it, but if you get into the controls you might get what you are looking for.

OP is serious
And seriously retarded

using this. Just had to tick off the shitty freeware that comes with it and it seems to be going good atm. Not started downloading shit yet still fetching the playlist.

nvm the fag lord didnt tell me the download playlist option is for premuim members only.


put in playlist url

select to either download whole playlist or individual songs

if individual songs, selects songs you want to download

click download

thats it, you're done