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Haha memes

my body is ready

well hello


how you like my numbers boys?

Posts left: 698 786
Board speed: 1 post per 0.5 seconds
Estimated date: 16.58.40 (Thu Aug 18 2016)

Current post: 699 301 214

its a long time

wow nice

are we betting while we wait?

ye op is a faggot


Where did you get this stats

Oh has it already been another 100 Million?


do you know how long 700k posts will take? lmao

thanks based user

dubs get

Learn to count...

fuck no they're mine fgt

if we keep posting, not that long.

after so many posts
we will tired

699,300,000 + 700,000 = 700,000,000 Can you count?



fuck you