So why does Oblivion have such low ratings on RT? It has amazing visuals, based Cruise, awesome spaceship...

So why does Oblivion have such low ratings on RT? It has amazing visuals, based Cruise, awesome spaceship. And don't forget qt Olga.

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Nothing happens for 2 hours and then everything is shoved into the final 10 minutes

The nothing happening part is what builds the ambiance and feeling of desolation and mystery.

Movie started sucking about the same time there were space gun shoot outs.

Movie started sucking about the same time when Morgan Freeman pulled off his mask.

Excactly. You can't shift the movie so much so quickly

"Morgan Freeman explains the plot at the middle of the movie" syndrom

Love the movie, comfy sci-fi.

Kinda sad that only Tom Cruise can carry big random sci-fi movies nowadays.

Would Tomorrowland and John Carter not have bombed, had they put based Cruise in the lead?

Cruise could do John carter, i like the movie as it is tho.

Yeah I'm with you man, this movie is comfy as shit, the visuals totally make up for what the story lacks.

Because it's not good.

>reasonable people call it alright
>le sci-fi genrefaggots on Sup Forums think it's some godsend

Wow what a fucking epic coincidence again

>why is this movie bad, it looks cool and it looks cool and it's cool

So why is it bad?

The aesthetics and Cruise were deserving of a better movie. The score was quite good too. The plot, themes and characterisation were stale. I can tell there's a great movie in there though because even if you're 20 minutes ahead of the plot with how predictable it is, I'm still drawn to rewatching it.

Because there's nothing more to the movie. It has the depth of a music video.

Who are you quoting?

that looks like a huge...

The AI not recognizing the fucking bomb on the ship makes no sense.

Awful style-over-substance drivel.

This. As soon as they introduced the reavers or whatever i already knew how the whole movie was going to end. Everything else in the movie is great, but the story just feels like one cliche too many.

I appreciate the fact that Based Tom is the last "Movie Star" and hes the only reason I get some half decent, big budget, sci fi action adventure movies anymore.


It was a slightly above average sci-fi flick

You probably just have low standards

It's a better movie than The Martian and Interstellar. Tom Cruise and Sci-Fi really go together.

>interstellar ayy lmaos invade earth specifically for our water
It is a huge trigger for me.


it has nice art direction but the story is so incredibly BLAND, like designed by committee bland. honestly i didn't like the film

I would give it a low rating out of spite because there was so much wasted potential. Great visuals, great blend of practical effects and CGI, and a great cast (although the lady playing Sally was a little over the top for me).

Too bad they blew it with a lame script with a totally rushed final act. The shit with Morgan Freeman was terrible.