Give me a reason why homework isn't useless

Give me a reason why homework isn't useless.

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Well if you do enough of it, it becomes easier and easier. Your brain will make neural pathways that will make you smarter, and being smart is good. It'll also help you not suck at life and put you above your peers.

Unless you're okay with being dumb.

Hey kid, it's past bedtime.

it will make neural pathways that make you smarter in that one specific thing youre doing homework on. not smarter in general. when i was in school i thought homework was retarded though i already had to spend 8 hours a day there why should i have to go home and spend 4 more hours doing homework? fuck that i got better shit to do

No you don't. Education is the foundation of society. You're fucking up society by not doing your homework. You're essentially making shit more expensive and wars more likely by fucking up in school.

idk about that man. i think society will be just fine even if i dont do trigonometry in my bedroom

Because without knowledge, and the ability to learn and retain that information, you're no better than the animals we slaughter to ingest for food. Because choosing to be ignorant is a hindrance to our species. Now pay attention in school, dumb ass.

Yeah I never saw the reason to do fucking calc junior year. Actually fucking useless

Imagine a society where everybody knows four languages and is proficient at calculus and statistics. One that knows its history and uses that knowledge. Familiar with nature and the arts.

Great job assholes.

That society sounds like fucking bullshit that could never happen you chucklefuck

Because of hunchbacks like yourself

Are you jewish?

A lot of things we learned in school were useless. Don't get me wrong school is an important thing and you do learn some valuable shit, but really how many fucking poems do i have to analyze before im "educated"? So much shit they teach you in school is uninteresting and has no real use in life, just monotonous busywork that forget most of when you leave anyway. I bet there will be a big change in the way schools teach people in the next 30 years


Because everyone knowing calculus is helpful??

Well alright then, your argument is valid

Seriously just do your fucking summer work pleb.

Implying that's related

A society where everyone is the same? Nigger i dont know about you but if i want to be familiar with nature i go in nature i dont read books about it. If i want to become proficient at calculus and statistics i can go to and learn calculus and statistics by my own merit. But i'm not going to do that because it doesn't interest me and I personally don't have a use for it

>implying jews opinions matter

this tbh