What does Sup Forums think about muslims...

what does Sup Forums think about muslims? is there mature people here who dont generalise whole religion because some retards try to justify killing by islam?

I've been to 4 muslim countries, all culture shocks but I was treated with nothing but respect and with very warm welcomes

They're scum bags.
Islam must die.
And so should Judaism.

As a French, you subhumans can go fuck yourselves. We will get rid of you soon enough.

Why haven't you guys reached civilization yet?

i'm not muslim

Are there mature people here?*

And if you were a true Christian, you would hate the rag heads.

just wait untill they reach a majority and vote for sharia law and behead everyone who isn't a muslim

we have to kill those fuckers before they kill everyone else + end scientific progression

>We will get rid of you soon enough.

Yeah, any day now the millions of Europeans who welcome these savages with open arms will change their minds and start to remove kebab.

If I told you that 5% of a drink is poison that might kill you, would you still drink it

I don't blame you for knowing very little about French domestic politics.

All religion is fucking retarded.

Remember to prepare in advance: organize large parties of non-sympathizers in advance, to travel with on purge missions during high chimpcon levels.
A prepared citizen tells his friends he would be honoured to remove kebab with them.

Even the normal ones are extremists compared to any other religion.
I used to hang out with a saudi guy and he was pretty cool. Wouldn't freak out if he accidentally ate pork, used cheat codes for romadomadingdong, very friendly and intelligent.
But if you said anything haram you could tell he wanted to kill you for a certain amount of time. Every muslim is a potential murderer, their religion is nutty and should be made illegal.

the people might be fine but the ideology is cancerous and violent,

If I had time to examine the drink, sure.

They believe disgusting things. Also they are wrong, so whats the problem?

I can smell the doritos from here

Well, I would say that not all Muslims are terrorist, but all terrorist are Muslim.

Islam simply is NOT compatible with the western world.
They literally belive it is their right to beat their wives to when they do something wrong.
These are the seemly normal ones. I asked a co-worker if he is allowed to beat his wife according the quran. He said.. of course. How else can she learn. He stipulated that you should not do permanent damage though. Which of course, makes it fine.

alcohol is a poison
if you mix 5% in a drink, you'd have beer

I'm sorry, but your analogy falls apart
however, it goes some way to explaining why the Germans love Muslims

Denazification worked.
Kill all the terrorists and deislamify the rest.

the big question about Islam is not about if it's violent and retarded. Islam clearly is violent and retarded but so was christianism during the middle age. the big question is will Islam be able to chill out just like the christians did during the past centuries ?


Dude, mudslimes have been around longer just as long as christfags.
Mudslimes are exactly the same as they were 2000 fucking years ago. In 2000 years from now, if they are not stopped, they will be exactly like they are now.

Denazifying was a mistake.


To be fair, Ghenghis Khan fucked them up hard. He did permanent brain damage to their culture.
We should really kill all non-americans then repopulate the world with our own kind. It'd be paradise.

>mudslimes have been around longer just as long as christfags
I do not agree the "Prophet" started this shit aproximatly 1400 years ago while christianity is 2000 years old

They derive their spirituality from a book that, totally unambiguously, declares that God's will is to bring about a world where everybody but them is either killed, converted to their ideology, or subjugated to the status of a second-class citizen. Therefore, I am suspicious of them.

If they don't want to be treated with suspicion, then they can put down the book that teaches them to enslave me. I'm not the crazy one reading bronze-age literature about ruling the world in the name of desert spirits, they are. And it's fucking creepy and not okay in the slightest.

Islam didn't exist 2,000 years ago. They weren't Muslims, just Arabs.

Quads don't lie.

But I don't hate muslims for being terrorists, I just hate them for what they are

christianity* sorry user

Guess what, when you die, there is absolute nothingness. I don't need a reassuring fable. If you feel as though religion makes you a better person, then sure, it is your life and your opinion. But I find religion demeaning and demoralising to the true human spirit. Similar position to what Christopher Hitchens had.


nah. To be honest man, most Americans are dumb as fuck. Also, retard level fat.
Genes wise, I'd say Scandinavian is superior.

America got lucky as fuck. Huge amount of natural resources.
At the end of ww2 they were literally the only place in the world who still had a manufacturing base. Couple that with the fact that completely ignored IP and copyrights from other nations, it was a foregone conclusion that America would become an economic power house. Sadly the fucked up political system is doing its best to keep the people dumb as rocks. So, I fear America is on the way down if people don't stand up and be heard.

Unless "you" are 2 traveling women.

2016 and still following a religion that demands violence?
I'm going to paint them with a broad brush and say they're ignorant at best, and crazy at worst.
I'll say the same about Christians, etc...but I think we can all say that Muslims are objectively more violent at the moment

>>either killed, converted to their ideology, or subjugated to the status of a second-class citizen
any evidence to that?

>All terrorists are muslims
The unibomber, Weather Underground, and Tim McVeigh's ghost would like a word.

>worship a pedophile
>convert to islam or die
>believe sharia is a superior form of law
>treat women as slaves

yea, what could go wrong?

You just converted half of Sup Forums

Muslims have ruined the area I grew up in (and still live in)

Sharia patrols at night
Not a white person in sight, I try to keep the peace and I try to stay calm but these shitskinned fucks always want to fight

>Implying that you have a job
>Implying that muslims work

I work in a hotel with muslim clients, and I've been treated with nothing but smuginess, loudness, lack of basic manners, destruction of property, cheapness and filthy odors

Also, great pic!

Has to do with their silly holy book rather than the behavior of the majority. There can be evil jews, christians, etc. that use their religion to justify their crimes, but the difference is that their holy books aren't rife with calls to murder the non-believers. There is garbage in the torah and bible for sure, but nowhere on the level of violent bullshit found in the quran.

Everyone hates muslims

They are the ultimate cucks becuase their ancestors where converted by the sword and their descendants act like thats a good thing

70% of them marry their first cousins ( hence why they are all retarded)

also mohammad was a gay peado and a crossdresser

Not to mention the entire Ku Klux Klan.

Yeah, the fucking terrorists attacks that are happening every day.
Do you live in a cave?

Where do you live jw?

How can one be a terrorist if you don't know they exist?

Germanfag here. We dont love Muslims but he have a long history with wars, german refugees coming back to germany (from russia) and so on. The US does not have this experience and so the average US citizen can not compare it how it feels if the own grandparents were refugees who got a warm welcome back to germany and could settle and build a live anew (and no, none of your grandparents were on the Mayflower).

Wanting to help people without a home, fleeing from war, being shot, raped, whatever, comes first in priority for germans. Because germany has the moneypower to do so.

However, this is not an invitation for the Aloha Snackbar sandniggers. Dont think germany is in one line with that. This deeply twists the german society. Even I do not have a clear point on this.

i asked for evidence that islams tell you to kill non-believers.

Every country I have visited Muslims treated me and their surroundings like shit. And I know it's not just some of them. I live in a country with about 20% Muslim population. I know what I'm talking about

I'm not a religious person myself, but a cursory glance shows that the answer lies in the difference between their holy books. While the bible has some nonsense (especially the old testament), the koran is fucking nutty.

Bradford uk

Even fucking street names are getting muslamic text underneath the english text

Only Japan is smart enough to do this.

You're days are over westerners if you guys don't sort this shit out.

to be honest it is in their book, but the Bible also got some crazy batshit stuf so I suppose that they'll have to transgress their book like christians do all the time or that will be verry problematic


Mohammed Fujita



are you really that stupid? Muslims are attacking innocent people every day ( latest was a 6 year old stab victim) and you want to talk about the kkk, this is why us white people are getting pissed of at you pooskin cunts

Hopefully we will start to nuke these untermensch once all the oil is gone

Read the Quran, its very clear

Goddamn. We haven't had to deal with that in the US yet (i.e. where a town becomes totally entranced in islam), but their is a significant amount of concern it can begin to happen if we take in refugees starting at the end of the year. No matter the political party, 84% of the population wants to deny significant refugee increases.

>Mahammed Fujita

Got any examples within the last 20 years?


At the end of the day, their "holy" shit book teaches them to be violent. They cannot live and let live. If they would just fuck off and leave people alone, it would be fine. But they cant. They are taught that you must enslave, convert of kill all the non believers.
And the fucking western world just ignores it because they are afraid people will call them racist.
But WTF?? The mudslimes are doing that shit. They really are destroying the western world.
I did a "book report" back in high school, when that was still a thing. Fuck.. like 25 years go. I predicted that in the next 50 years that WW3 will not be between countries, but it would be a religious war, with basically everyone else against the mudslimes.
Of course, in those days people didnt call you a racist for pointing the obvious.

if you're not white you shouldn't be alive. if you're white and you support the existence of nonwhites you're the worst thing humanly possible.

Source: the quran

Question: down syndrome or autism?

I love muslims. Gotta feed my dogs something.


here but i have no idea why.
this arent the best topics for b

Islam is trash. Kill them all.

Bingo. You nailed it on the head. Also, nice tit.

The Muslims that I've met are all nice people. My experience with them has been good and I can't hate all of them for the dickheadery of the few. It's as dumb as blaming all white people for slavery and racism etc (even when some, in particular my ancestors, fought for the whole civil rights thing), or for blaming all Christians for the lunacy of the Crusades and the Republicunt party.

not sure if bait or retarded

>source: the quran
you know that you are arguing the same way like the persons who are the reason why you hate the whole islam so much?

do not cut yourself with that edge

if you believe in any religion you are an idiot

Worked for a muslim actually a decent guy warped idea about pot and alcohol but treated everyone equal.

Hated ISIS says they discrace his religion
And are basically bottom feeders


I agree with this, but it comes down to the source of their teachings (the insanity of the koran). Even so, I think the real root of this is the spread of Wahhabism. Look at pictures of the middle east before this cancer spread, and after. They were so much more lax on religion, and outright condemned violent sections of the koran as antiquated before Wahhabism grew.

Dude, that is just straight up retarded-
Some of the dumbest mother fuckers I have ever seen were white.
I'd would say asian culture is better. Parents take care of kids until they are too old, then the kids take care of the parents. Family is everything to them. In America for most people it's every man for himself.

I can smell the underage tools from here.

One tiny fragment of shitty Michigan. I'm not labeling it that way to toss away your point, but that that it is a very isolated town in a very large country. I live in NYC, and grew up in the northeast. We fortunately do not have anything comparable to how some cities in England are, in concern to Islam.

Not even remotely true, especially outside of the east coast/west coast cities.
Liberal elites talk a big game about "it takes a village" but small town people actually live it.

I'm all for criticizing Islam, but you are fucking retarded, and the very reason that most people are afraid of criticizing such, because they will end up being labeled a bigot like you.

it more like
if you're not white you shouldn't be alive. if you're white and you DONT support the existence of nonwhites you're the worst thing humanly possible.

or at least it how feel nowadays,
Ihave the feeling that only 2 kind of people have an opinion
1. The racist: You are not their race. You are worthless
2. The fake Philanthropes: You dont help people especially from another culter/race? = You are a racist.
I mean come on! I dont help anybody. i am a Jerk. I am an asshole. But hell i am not racist:
I simply dont care very much about other people. thats all.

Yeah. Antiquated Islam was a religion of understanding, tolerance, discovery. After the Wahhabi movement, You see a lot more militant Islamists and people with a skewed perception of their religious superiority compared to other religions, and that interferes with the progress of society.

Small town fag here. No.
Worst parents you'll ever find. The illusion of safety means they let their kids run wild in the street and the only morality they're ever taught is "lol jesus good" so you get people killing animals for fun and sodomizing gay people and cutting their throats.
Rednecks are scary.

You just said it hasn't happened in the US and I just proved you wrong.
Dearborn is a large city.
And if you believe Michigan is shitty, refer to the pic...
>typical house in my neck of the woods
NYC faggots think they know everything about the US, you're just a bunch of know it all pricks living in filth

Terrorists groups wouldn't be so popular if the west didn't keep airstriking civilians.

BUT saying terrorism has nothing to do with islam is like saying christianity had nothing to do with the crusades or the inquisition.

At least their men have clean butthole though.

I'm from a small town too, everyone knows everyone, everyone supports everyone, I'm not sure where you are from but my experience was totally different


Exactly. The middle east was a cultural hub of science and academia if you go back quite a bit in time. Once Wahhabism spread, absolutely everything went to shit (i.e. individual rights, societal infrastructure, culture, crowd mentality, behavior, etc.). It's really disappointing.