Dindu nuffin wong

dindu nuffin wong

1st for Thorne

>He was truly a Game Of Thornes - An HBO Series.

He was a close minded idiot who couldn't see the bigger picture.
>Muh muh old ways

Guess what grandpa, in the old times there wasn't a horde of undead zombies threatening the entire realm.

>B-but the wildlings

red witch should bring im back

all i wanted was to see his and olly's face when they found out jon was alive, why was that too much to ask. Yes it would have been more satisfying than seeing them hang.

And yes he was wrong, Jon recognized the greater threat and this fgt would have gotten everyone killed.

that's why the Sup Forums homos like him

reminds them of their own grandpa

Reminder that he didn't mention the walkers or the dead once during the entire series.

Guy was just a old bitter shit.

Go back to getting blown the fuck out on /r/SandersForPresident, you fucking cucks.

Accepting rapists, pillagers and murderers with open arms is ridiculous.

I hope you both get raped by a pack of niggers.



what are you talking about. Jon sno is trying to unite the waring tribes to fight the White Walkers. Calm the fuck down autist

Take a chill pill and go back to your hugbox The adults are having a discussion.

Alliser Thorne did nothing wrong. He didn't know that the White Walkers were coming because no one in their right mind would have believed that.

He didn't know because he never got off his fat ass.

>Refugees welcome!

Give it a rest will ya

Wildlings are white, you stupid fuck

He's baiting, just ignore him

>can't believe that Sup Forums hates violent foreigners regardless of race


This is a fictitious television show.

what's the problem here? looks like everyone's having a good time

You do realize the night's watch is made of rapists, pillagers and murderers, you dumb fuck.