Well. Think I'm fucked, Sup Forums

Well. Think I'm fucked, Sup Forums.

>Start new job today
>Manual labor
>6am start
>Its 4am now
>Cant sleep and have no reason why, just can't
>I'll be 11 meters off ground level walking on steel framework with no harness.

What the fuck do i do.
What kind of excuse warrants taking your first day on the job off

Should i risk it? I know I'll be tired as fuck in a few hours and ill have a solid 10 hours of work ahead of me

drive to anywhere they have energy drinks/ shots and just drink some and stock up for the day

Got any coke?

Tell your boss that you weren't able to sleep all day for some reason, must have anxiety or something. I think most managers will be pretty understanding and will think it's ok that you'd rather be safe on the job. Or you just go, nut up, and take your money. Assuming you're hourly that's your dough

where do you live? i live in a country that is supposed to have solid labor rights but even here you'll get fired for being sick the first day. But it depends on the manager I guess.

Also don't do coke or energy drinks if you risk your life like that. Trust me. It only makes you believe you're focused, you'll die.

nope, never done it but you'd be able to tell right?

SLEEP user

your eyes will shut off
your brain will feel like it's going to start fucking bleeding

any amount of sleep is good

were you at OP coz u ant in ENGERLAND

Its 9:27pm here


>what the fuck do i do
You get the fuck off Sup Forums, and get the fuck into bed
>what kind of excuse warrants taking your first day on the job off
Nothing, you'll get fired no doubt

dude I've been in bed since fuckin 9pm.
tossing and turning all night for no reason.

if you really can't sleep then try and wake yourself up. Take a cold shower, go for a jog, have coffee

I have real bad insomnia. I work construction, concrete. I've gone to work on no sleep lots. NUT UP PUSSY

Fall off beams, break leg, sue

Hopefully you dont smoke weed or anything because they will drug test you if you get hurt

Anyway that's what I'd do


you've been trying to sleep for 8 hours? you can't sleep if it's not in your normal sleeping schedule. should've prepared for this atleast a week before when you were a NEET

go to work you pussy ive done worse jobs still drunk from the night before just dont be a fucking idiot and focus

you lay concrete?
thats not fuckin difficult. monkey shit.
im walking on 180mm wide steel beams with 1.3meters between beams putting the roof on.

i wouldnt give a fuck if i was pouring concrete cunt.


furthest thing from NEET.
been doing similiar work for 8 years.
this is just a weird night and i cant explain it

I'm so glad I'm not you.

I work from home. I sleep from home. Sometimes I sleep while I work too.

>11 meters off ground level with no harness

pull the fucking other one. you must live in the fucking ass crack of nowhere for a company to even risk putting you half a meter off the ground without a harness.

go work, you'll fucking sleep tonight I'll tell you what. first day of manual labor leaves you too drained to even fap. God speed user!

waster detected

Waster? What am I wasting, dickwad?

thanks buddy.

Of course you'd be fucking able to tell. Are you mentally blind, or just a total mongoloid? You'd be fucking humping your boss' ass when you met him at work.

Slam energy drinks all day
I work 20 hrs a day most the time, and it works for me.
Also if your in the states osha requires a harness after 4 ft.
Take the first day off and guarenteed you were never hired

Just talk to your boss about it, in person. Tell him the situation tell him you want to work, but tell him you don't want you or anyone else getting hurt because you aren't fully awake

>inb4 You're

i work from home, i've got to do all my own taxes, that's cool cos it get to have a few "business trips" on the company's expense. wink wink ;)

you cant attatch a harness to nothing, idiot.

theres roughly 1m from the outside areas of the framework you can attatch the harness to, but someones got to lay the safety wire across the whole building and guess how you do that?

theres a reason why im paid 5k a week to do this shit.

kek, paying taxes... classic

Taxes are a fun thing if you know how to work them bro
I can literally deduct almost everything i do because im gone most the year including entertainment lol

Take some pre workout supplement with plenty of b12 in it. I work 12 hour shifts 6 days a week and my gf usually keeps my ass up late to where I only get a few hours of sleep a night. Pre workout works wonders for me. I get Neon brand packs that just mix with bottles of water.

Good luck mate... I haven't slept either, now off to clean old peoples shit and see who's still with us

Adderall, coffee, cocaine, energy drinks.
Calling out on the first day WILL get you fired or give you a really bad first impression to your boss which is just as bad

I dont really know how your work is done, but if I were you i'll go there anyway and try my best to stay focused. you can take sugar to keep you awake but
a) you'll need to maintain your "high" all day, if you forgot your hourly dose of sugar you'll fall asleep because of the comedown
b) if you absorb too much of it (like 2 or 3 energy drinks i'd say) you'll be awake and lose all your focus (and die)
also caffeine is good but only extracted. like in powder.

(yeh i have sleep issues too)

Show me a check stub you lying fahgot

Also they wrap the leash around the beam you lying faggot the ideal place os above you're head.
You cant bullshit me

Have fun, posting on this site automatically means that Sup Forums has your IP adress meaning that they have every to provided evidence to IRS, HM, ATO, CRA and any taxes and offices Revenue Agency and country you come from.

Have you done this type of work before? If so, you deep down will know what to do.

I live in a truck 10 months out of the year everything i buy is considered a work related expense
Just because we know how to work the system doesnt mean its illegal.
Gtfo youngling

do you even understand what im saying?
im walking on the beams. not working underneath them or around them. you dont attatch a fucking harness to the beams you walk on because thats just asking for death. may as well have a power cord wrapped around your feet.

fuck out of here.

haha you live in a truck

IP address means they can find last location you dumb fuck

>go to work
>come back tired as fuck
>fucking go to bed on time

its coming home alive is what im worried about

Quit being an euro and work

Do it god damnit.

Drink 2 scoops of pre-workout, drink gatorade all fucking day. Eat a protein packed lunch, and you'll be fine.

Are you not able to pretend to be busy and just do fuck all all day? I do this all the time.

Snort crystal meth OP
You'll be up all day long no problem.

I could take drugs at work and get away with it.
Especially new people who have never met me before, I could turn up totally off my box.
If you've never done drugs before then first day on the job is not the time to start.

You're more scum than welfare cheats