>that backpedaling
It's over, pedowood has won
>that backpedaling
It's over, pedowood has won
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t-they raped him into silence didn't they?
fucking hell elijah grow some balls
They got to him.
The Star Whackers gave him an ultimatum.
The whole thing is tacky.
Whether he intentionally wanted to accuse someone of something or not, he didn't provide any evidence, names, details, or even a basis upon which to hang such allegations.
The fact that he's saying now that he has no evidence was bound to happen because it is a serious allegation, but an allegation without proof MUST be dismissed.
He's not backpedalling, though
He's too old for them. They probably just threatened his life.
>The Star Whackers
I'd watch a show with that name
they got to him quick
That sucks they took him out of context.
The journalist should have highlighted the documentary and books they were talking about, not make it sound like Wood had some insider info.
That actually hurt bringing these scumbags to light.
>hollywood is run by a ring of powerful pedophiles
>uhh.. actually I don't have any facts on this
Standard backpedaling.
No you projected.
He's too credible to be allowed to talk.
yay for buzzwords
>buzzword buzzword
That's gay as fuck. I should go to L.A and become an actor and expose these faggot pedophiles.
wow the hollywood assassin's work on weekends? must pay well
He knows exactly what happens to those that don't back down.
Scumbag reporters, burning someone as Elijah Wood, and not even mentioning the documentary by name. I don't think they were in it to bring eyes to the issue, just to make a name for themselves.
Why is Varg Vikernes wrestling?
Am I supposed to know what this is about?
damn RIP frodo
Guess he's not working ever again
>let something slip out in an interview
>realize the Jews will destroy your career now
>try to salvage the situation
Poor guy. He wasn't getting that much work as it is... I wonder if he's in the Mel Gibson category now
maybe you should look up 5 or 6 posts before shitposting, eh?
>Pedophiles "preying upon" child actors at Hollywood industry parties is rampant, Lords of the Rings star Elijah Wood claims.
>"It was all organised," he told The Sunday Times.
> "There are a lot of vipers in this industry, people who only have their own interests in mind.
>"There is a darkness in the underbelly – if you can imagine it, it's probably happened."
>He said the abusers had long been protected by powerful figures in the movie industry.
That's what he said to the Sunday Times and now he's saying it was taken out of context
We really need to talk about ethics in film journalism.
Of course, he didn't suck those dicks for free.
They have given him everything he has, and they can take them back
Why would you make an off-the cuff comment like that and not expect it to blow up? Is he retarded or has he just been threatened into silence?
Are you qt enough for that, user?
>or has he just been threatened into silence?
>not available in your country
they can't keep getting away with it!
How long til his "suicide"?
his balls were snipped for lotr
this one should work.
I'm not going to be one of the ones they fuck. I'm going to be the one doing the fucking. Then, after I've had my fill of boipussy I'll expose the whole thing. I know my life will be over so I might as well enjoy it while I can.
He gave his young, hairless body in return for an A list Hollywood career, but they can take it away just as easily. He should have been aware of the consequences.
Major kek OMG that's perfect
>thinking you'll be able to get boipussy without becoming part of the gay mafia
>a list hollywood career
>perennially playing a teen or a midget
man i swear sometimes i really feel for Sup Forums
You know what, I'll give up my hind end virginity for the sake of all future movie star's tight pink starfishes.
It's the least I can do for Frodo.
>people like him
I find this offensive
this is satire.
They got me. They got me again. Save me Sup Forums. You and Sasha Grey are my only hope.
>muh Jews
This is the wrong board.
>t. jew
Wrong board for you, reddit.com is more your style
Sup Forums might be extreme sometimes but the "bitch and moan" tactics of the jews are well established. The false victim complex it's part of their culture
What is it like to be gang banged as child then have to publicly back the child rapist ring or lose your career and your life?
Bitch & moan isn't so much a "tactic" for Jews as it is a cultural tic, like how Italians talk with their hands.
Triggered so easily, huh?
Don't worry, maybe if you steal some of Chad's hair, 23andme might just say that you're German after all.
Meanwhile a single tear rolls down the cheek of a twelve year old boy at Bryan Singer's house.
>I got outsmarted by a Jew, so I'm going to be mad at an entire religion for the rest of my life.
You must be the life of the party.
>get exposed
>try to turn the tables to take focus away from your butthurt
switch tactics
>Chad's hair, 23andme
Is that how they do it by hair follicles fuck I thought it thought it was like a spit swab
It isn't about religion. It's primarily a racial thing.
>What's that? There's a conspiracy theory that elites in Hollywood molest children?
>Hey, that kind of reminds me of that time that British celebrity got accused of molestation after he died
Yeah, you people are retarded.
what a fag
britcucks are well known as the paedo kings
they were in it before it was mainstream
pommy cunts
You're in deep shit lad
Did you guys really think the Jews would let him get away with what he said?
Which celebrity? Saville? He was well known for that. The reason they practically admitted it after his death is that he was just the one providing children for parties, there were dozens of high-up people that he could have exposed if they ever admitted it while he was still alive.
Delete this go..guy.
Hollywood is overwhelmingly jewish and they even boast about it. This isn't some unfounded conspiracy.
Amy Berg directed a "pedowood" movie.
Guess her ethnicity.
A single tear of semen down his buttcheek.
Whether they boast about it depends on how you frame it.
"Hollywood is run by Jews" is an anti-Semitic lie.
"Hollywood was built by Jews" is boastworthy.
Similar to how Jews are either a race or a religion or both depending upon whichever is beneficial for them at any particular time.
who are you quoting?
He'll never work again.
>Similar to how Jews are either a race or a religion or both depending upon whichever is beneficial for them at any particular time.
It's a race. Israel does DNA tests for citizenship and accepts atheist jews
The producers also claimed she refused to promote the film
>The United Caliphate of Pedistan
>Not full of disgusting pedos
Savile wore prosthetics he took off his child victims in public, bragged about it, and the BBC (which is funded by your pedo government) funded hospitals so that he could continue to rape sick children and they could sweep it under the rug.
>Refusing to promote your own film without disowning it first.
He also participated in the Moors child murders.
It's a religion when convenient and a race when necessary.
Same with them claiming to be "white" as needed
Oh hey hollywood, any little kids orgy yoday?
The fact that she didn't promote it means it was DOA and she wanted to keep her career
It's Stormfags who are responsible for the "Jews aren't white" meme.
Are you 12 years old with a sweet boipuccy? If not you're gonna have a hard time even getting a callback for the next Xmen
>Had TWO runs
You are really quite bad at this.
is more your speed.
>Sup Forums boogeyman is why i am not a winner.
Fuck off pedo.
>“In 26 years, it’s the lowest-grossing film we’ve ever had,” Rocky Mountain’s Ron Rodgers said by phone this morning. “We knew it would be challenging subject matter.” Rodgers said one of the film’s “best showings” was in Seattle, where it grossed about $200. Beyond that, Rodgers declined to provide specific figures for the movie, a version of which screened at last year’s DocNYC festival.
Just keep spouting board names shill, do Sup Forums next.
Take a logic course.
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Why didnt he just ride the eagles out of hollywood?
Can you prove your claims?
Stephen Fry is a creepy pedo and he still has his own show
If she had promoted it then people might have actually come to see it.
It will eventually unfold. Especially with how rabbid SJW's are. One will get busted and then shit is going to hit the fan.
Stephen Fry's husband was 28 when they got married
Entering it in film competitions was promotion; if she wanted to bury the film, she wouldn't have even done that.