POI - Person of Interest Thread

Shows on now. Let's do this.

>A More Perfect Union
>Reese and Finch are sent to a wedding to protect a pair of POIs; Fusco takes it upon himself to investigate a series of missing person reports.


The Machine has a sense of humor.

So how are these billionaires gonna fit into the Samaritan story line

the show is on the clock, no more room for filler episodes

Yeah, the show feels really different from when it first started.

Not all bad though.

>a wedding
>with less than 15 episodes remaining

>Samaritan goes after white collar criminals sometimes
>That justifies all the innocent people it murdered

This is a poor argument.

Something something ends justify the means.

This photographer is an assassin

yea but she has 7,000 plus simulations and drugs on the brain, she aint gonna be thinking quite so clearly

>Wasting an episode on a fucking rom com.

>Finch's Doubtfire-esque accent

so Greer if these guys are so fucking horrible why hasn't Samaritan ended them yet eh?

>Finch getting drunk
Oh geez...

I was wondering when the cringe would begin.

>Finch singing Twisted Sister
Oh geez...

>Who's to say that with absolute power we would be able to control ourselves

Finch, come on now. Finch...

Ugh, this kid again.

>They brought the Samaritan kid back
DAMN IT, WHY. That was the cheesiest part of this Samaritan plot.

I want Root to be wrong (for once). I want them to expand the Machine and it turn evil and crazy.

>It's another simulation.

Agreed. It would have been nice if they had totally dropped that.

And I feel bad saying this, but it doesn't help that the kid can't act particularly well.

Well, I mean, it's a kid pretending to be an unfeeling, omnipresent machine. It'd be a surprise if he could nail it convincingly.

Root: "How come Harry never sings to us?"
John: "He doesn't sing to you?"