Things plebs say

ITT: Things plebs say.

>literally nothing happens


>so, there's no fights in it?
>dude that's sooooo boring

>The Sopranos is the greatest show of all time

Every single better call saul thread. Same shit, plebeians cannot appreciate good television.

>LOST finale sucked

>ITT: Things plebs say.

If we, as a board, want to kick the worst elements of redditors & crossposting Sup Forumsermin & r9k faggots off of Sup Forums, obvious shitposts from foreign elements like this thread ought to be ignored.

Twitchkiddies from Sup Forums & r9k only come here because too many users indulge their shitposts. Sup Forums ought to be more hostile to invading elements.

>nothing happens
>the ending sucked
>it's too slow
>it's pretentious

My roommate

>None of the characters were likeable

>i'm an ass man

i dont see /r9k/ as a problem
the real issue is Sup Forums and Sup Forums

its too late

there isnt even enough good to be salvaged, may as well burn it down

>It hasn't aged well
>It's dated
>Too campy
>Too unrealistic
>They never explained anything

>Tarkovsky is a great director

You butthurt over Only God Forgives, bro?

>television is just as good as cinema, if not better
>"there's artistic merit in capeshit" (sometimes you just need to turn you brain off, hahaha!)
>virtually any complaint about the speed of the narrative
>the actors/actresses were ugly
and the number one giveaway that a great work of art was too hard for them
>it was pretentious

But that is the fatal flaw in some movies.

>I watch Game of Thrones
>Did you see the trailer for
>Star Wars is better than Stat Trek
>Feet? lol what a weirdo
>I prefer cunnies over mommies

t. pleb

>The special effects were so fake looking looking lol

I like this film even though every character is an insufferable cunt

>i dont see /r9k/ as a problem

I can only imagine you think this because you come from there.

Right now r9k is the Ellis Island of Sup Forums. You know how in 2008 14 year olds learned about Sup Forums from HACKERS ON STEROIDS & Chanology and flocked to Sup Forums to be LEGION and ultimately shit up everything they touched? When "rare pepes" blew up across the internet, that mantle was passed to r9k. r9k is a meme on twitch. The board is crawling with underage faggots. It is neo-Sup Forums. It's just as cancerous as the old one was.

a. faggot

>using inferior version

No, i don't come from there
Well i think we see /r9k/ in different ways then
I always saw then as sad little autists

that one gets me reeling tbqhfamalam

>all Capeshit is trash

>it's too long
>it's too old
>you only like it because it's an unknown movie

The movie in question was Lawrence Of Arabia

Actual patricians don't concern themselves with plebs. You failed the test.

>Says the guy that posted on a "things plebs say" thread.

We're in the same boat brah