Anyone else battling drug addiction?

Anyone else battling drug addiction?
I'm 20 shits hard. I know a sober life is the best way to live for me, but im struggling tonight.

You'll get through it user, worse comes to worse, you can always call someone for help.

420 blaze it, faggot.

which drug?

Thanks user.
Basically everything, before I went to rehab I was on opiods including h, benzos, and alc. I was involved in a real co dependant relationship with a chick that did all the same shit as me.

I did for the past week after having like 70 days clean, just came off the relapse now I have 3 days.

don't do drugs you fucking loser

Thats the point bitch

yea opi addict(mostly dope and oxymorph). Also heavy coke iv user, have stopped for like 10 days.

on suboxone again, really trying this time, only time will tell.

Good luck man, you going to meetings and shit?

I'm Proud of you user, you will do it, This user believes in you.

Just got 9 months on the 5th, its hard at time but keep doing it, join a 12 step if u havent already

naa fuck AA, cult bullshit. Bill W is a piece of shit, id rather join scientology.

My dr is giving me subs, gabapentin, clonidine, and ativan. Really all i need to stay clean but, the pull of that fucking god rush from dope just never leaves.

Been clean for almost a year here
It gets better as time goes on user, i believe in you man.

I used to be addicted to amphetamine, but I can't imagine being hooken on opiates. For me, 25i-nbome is great to cure alcohol, amphetamine, and tobacco addiction. Best of luck to yah.

Yeah I was doing 90 in 90, I have a sponsor, I just gave into the fuckin devil lettuce cravings. Congrats on 9 monthes bro.

will be battling this everyday for the rest of my life....

Lol how does that help? Isnt that synthetic lsd? Ive had my encounters with it.

thanks bro

Me too brother. One day at a time

shrooms and dxm trips seem to really help with opi addiction and withdrawal,

Lol its not like that at all. Bill W was a gentleman and a scholar.

Addiction doesn't exist why can't you fucks just admit you're weak minded

Life is a constant struggle to silence sobriety. You might as well live it.

Yeah, it is basically fake lsd. certain psychedelic drugs have huge influences on the use of drugs. Certain ones like NBOMe have the ability to cure addictions, and they are non-addictive on their own. They have self-regulating properties, that make you no longer want to do the psychedelic that you are using. But i'm a total psychedelic junkie, and NBOMe is super good at releaving any addiction. If you want a short, blissful high like crack/cocaine deliver, try DPT. It does not help with addiction, but is relatively safe, non addictive, and not bad.


Im trying to cut drugs all together, I would it puts you in a mindset that makes you realize how horrible they are. But youre still on 25i, I mean I cant take that shit for the rest of my life. The mindset will wear off eventually.

Yeah, but DXM is addictive on it's own... Certainly easy to get ahold of though, because many cough syrups contain it. Also shrooms are expensive. That's why i recommended NBOMe. Though as a side note, Kratom and Kava are reported to releave withdrawal.

ive been to hundreds of meetings(court ordered which is unconstitutional). telling an opiate addict to stay clean from every drug is wrong and gets people killed.

If you're serious, look into seeking therapy. It may help you deal with the underlying issues that drive you to use drugs. If you are a United States citizen without insurance, contact NAMI, they can put you in touch with someone local to you. There's no shame in seeking help, user. I wish you the best.

Fellow opiate addict reporting in. H wrecked havoc on my life. Did terrible things for money not to mention dumb scumbag shit on benzos. Also on suboxone and take adderal but once I taper off subs I'm hoping to get on klonopin for my anxiety. I'm only 3 months in ..

10+ months here. You seem like you've already got your mind made up on what works for you. Even though it clearly looks like it's not. Drop the subs and move on with your life.

i just got 8oz of kratom it helps the suboxone feel stronger, if you are a real dope head it wont do shit at first but i really like it.

Thanks user, I went into rehab and into outpatient after, which im currently in. Havent done much 1 on 1 therapy, but the group stuff helps.

I want you to know that you should never be afraid to talk to anyone about it. your friends and family want to help you and it is your duty to let them. Stay sober, user.

Good shit user get on your way to that year mark.

gabapentin and clonidine seem to really help with tapering off subs.

I feel ya man I'm in the same boat.. I've been trying to kick my addiction to Marijuana

I'm 3 months clean after I smoked for the first time 9 months ago.. it's a bitch man but it'll get better

Group shit does help. Man did it save my ass in the beginning. AA Is Forsure helpful but turns a lot of people into AA sobriety robots. Like telling opiate addicts not to drink.. I've been chillin probably had 8 beers in 3 months of sober. Also subs are taboo in AA and they're a big part of my recovery im on 4mg a day

Thanks user


Getting clean is all about your surroundings. You need to stop hanging out with friends that do that shit. Even your friends that usually just smoke pot because the second they bring some other drugs to the table you're going to do them and fall back into it. Try to reconnect with friends that never got into drugs

ITT: "man, now that I am out of highschool drugs aren't cool anymore and I am addicted, fml"

Yeah, NBOMe is relatively dangerous, and I get how you want to quite the entire scene. It should only fuel your cravings, without leading the cravings on. So if you have withdrawal/addiction for say 10 weeks, you should take NBOMe/psychedelics for the 10 weeks. Try to get un-hooked from sugar. Most people don't know how addictive simple table sugar can be (But don't let sweet coffee slow down your attempt to get clean from other substances). Getting unhooked from sugar before you attempt letting go of harder substances can be good, because then you resume a heavy consumption of sugar while on withdrawal from the other substances.

But I must agree with the other posters, psychedelics plus therapy are often brilliant choices. There are many clinics in Canada that will offer free medication and counselling/therapy for addicts, and the medication would be a psychedelic, and one that is rising in popularity in the clinics here is ibogaine, which I suggest doing a bit of research on.

Damn I know exactly what you mean by the sobreity robots haha. From what ive learned, anyone that wants to use something thats not their DOC will ultimately become just that.

I've been doing 1 on 1 for a little over a month and it's surprising how much it helps. It took me way to long to seek help due to the stigma that surrounds mental illness. Honestly I wish I'd done it sooner.

The fact that people in AA will tell people on subs they are not clean, really makes me hate the hive mind aa produces.

Used to smoke an ounce of weed a week, quit cold turkey because my work performance was getting shitty and mood were crazy with a few relapses afterwards. People shouldnt believe that "weed isnt addictive i can quit any time i want"

shit sucked user, keep trying you'll do it

Ps. dad was an alcoholic whom died in february from heart failure, addiction is genetic so i i cna do it you can too

Exactly man. I see where they come from to a certain degree because some people abuse subs but from a harm reduction standpoint it's irrational and unsafe for them to tell people not to take suboxone like they have the authority to do medical advice.. That being said it is also a good spot to meet sober people and possibly girls and spill whatever is on ur mind troubling you.

I was a casual meth user for about 2 years. I broke my pipe and deleted my dealers number from my phone. I quit instantly. It was pretty hard to tell you the truth, but my laziness in trying to get a dealers phone number outweigh my feen. Gluck

Not all people are like that though, only the bitter fuckers. There is NA too.
Yeah man that shit is so fucking tricky, it doesnt affect you physically but it really fucks with your life.

By the way, anyone here who says weed is physically addictive needs to be shot. I wish they'd feel the opiate withdrawls for just one day and compare to how retarded weed "withdrawal" is lol..

No one said that brah

If you're serial, get the fuck outta here and call a sponsor.

It's for those to come brody

I think it depends on the user... for some, emotional and psychological addiction can trigger a physical addiction.

Hes asleep, plus I was just with him. I just felt like hearing from others about their struggle.

Well, nothing under this bridge

This thread came at an interesting time. I'm a heroin/dilaudid addict. Just had 4 days clean, smoked some heroin. I don't feel bad about it. I just hope I continue on the sober path.

I had a problem with heroin awhile ago, and it was made worse by the fact I was using psychedelics as well, so withdrawal would have like psuedo-spiritual components as well. I wasn't nearly as addicted as some people get, still able to function at work and school, didn't really use too often either, maybe three times a week intravenously at worst, and even then it was every other month or so that I would binge. Wasn't the best experience. Could see myself becoming dependent on it for relief and felt increasingly detached and out of control. Broke me down and I ended up back in a psych ward/rehab for a week or two while I detoxed and pieced my head back together. Probably about a month since I've last used and I only get the urge to very rarely, though it is intense whenever it happens.
Anyway, that's my story.

Them trips dont lie my nigga

Truth. Since I've gotten clean I've been spending a lot of time alone. Luckily I've reconnected with a couple friends who are also recovering, but we're still all very reclusive.

I was addicted to norco and percs. I hit a low when I blew a friend's dad for the rest of his meds. He told me after he hoped that the experience would get me to change my life.

Thanks for sharing user, wish you the best.

"Thanks Dad"

fuckkkk man... that's heavy

he's a piece of shit

How do you fight the intense urge?

Are you a chick?

dude, im addicted to heroin and i wouldnt even begin to consider this


Not the poster, but I usually either call someone, or go to a meeting. Try to remember where it ultimately takes you. I wish there was a magic cure but nope.


soberfag here, 15 months clean. I do 12 step but I get why people are skeptical, because a lot of people in the program have no clue how to think for themselves. From my perspective, the most important thing is to live a life that's not entirely focused on self. The more good shit I do for other people, the more positive gain I receive in return. Granted, it's all about perspective, and this entirely anecdotal evidence from an user, but look.. I was on oxy, h, benzos, amphetamines, coke, weed, alcohol, e, and so on for 16 years, almost half my life.. I made close to 6 figures at one point, always had an attractive girlfriend, nice car, and I was fucking miserable. I was on methadone for a year, subs for 3 and a half. The combined done/benzos kick feels worse than death, you're basically in hell. But when you're going through hell man, keep going. It's no place to stop and visit.

Well dont be ashamed about it, thats what addiction does to us. Just remember where you came from and pray you never have to go to that place again.

Yeah looking back I'm not sure how or why I did. At the time I don't think I was actually thinking if that makes sense

Thank you, I appreciate that.

damn man I'm really sorry.. was that actually the turning point?

Thanks user, any advice on being a free thinker? I fear i may fall into that category.

Yessir, get a sponsor too man.


Any time, felt good to. Thank man, you too.

I don't really. I'm just not in a place where I can use right now so I have no other choice. Sometimes I really feel like I fucked with the wrong thing.
Still, I'm hoping once I have more freedom I'll realize that it's not worth it and just ignore the urge to do so.

I've been battling heroin/everything addiction for almost 6 years now. Have had a little clean time but recently relapsed. My last girlfriend died of an overdose. It's been rough but I try to stay positive. 22 almost 23 here. Just know it gets better user.

No I missed a bunch of shit like my grandmas funeral and brothers graduation and just became a giant parasite. My folks were over me. Everyone I knew was done with me. I just didn't want to become a full fledged cunt. Most people don't know I'm straight now since I burned a lot of bridges. I got in with a weird crowd of Mormons and pakis believe it or not. They are pretty straight so it's easier hanging with them.

Fuck you, drugs are awesome

hope you die

Over half my life actually. I had more time using than sober over the course of my life thus far. Getting a sponsor who will walk you through the steps and NEVER try to run your life for you is clutch, my life is so good and j didn't have to get brainwashed to do it.. And man, I went from rich to literally homeless in a few months. I lost track of how many friends have died to this shit. Some people absolutely can use recreationally and that's cool but clearly you aren't one of them if you're 20 and concerned, OP. Good luck man, very few of us stay clean once we take it to h, but finding some spirituality and always trying to be good to others will save your miserable life.


We will see you soon user ;)
Have fun out there.

Please dont self project on me sir.

Was there anything at all they could have even done to get through to you? Or did it take that fed up feeling of perpetual rock bottom for you to finally get so sick of it and pull your shit together

Everyone dies, sweetheart.

Thanks user, I never shot so thats a plus, I just have a hard time wrapping my head around having to be sober at such a young age.

mostly alcoholic here. drink from the bottle most nights i'm on here. been a drunk for a little over a decade. high functioning, but still addicted. managed to quit for seven months last year, but then i started sneaking drinks again, and now i'm right back on that horse and riding...

i know that the booze is making my life worse, but i mostly hate said life most of the time. i'm awkward and aspy and rarely leave home other than to go to work. on that note, think i'll have another drink.

honestly though, good luck with the struggles. i'm rooting for you.

No matter what happens, your not alone.

12 stepping heroin addict here, op you can do it bro, we all can

Thanks user, theres always still hope for you to try again.

I am!m
Up to 3 bundles a day fun times dodgin the fentanyl bs

That's only bitter crusty old timers, I'm in aa and no one cares but those fucks. I got a sponser and know tons of heroin addict aaers and the shit works.
I fucking hated it and didn't wanna believe but shit that's the truth

Get a good sponsor. Mine walked me through the steps but he's not a therapist, not a life coach, not any kind of fucking guru or shaman.. Basically what it breaks down to is this, for me.. I'm willing to believe there's something greater than myself. That's different than believing.. I just acknowledge the possibility. When they say higher power, I think everything is connected, and my actions have a ripple effect on everything.. Eventually after that ripple spreads, whatever energy initiated the ripple will eventually find me again. Sorta like karma but not in such a direct causal way. Then I act as if this is true. I don't lie, don't take shit that isn't mine, don't try to manipulate situations selfishly, and when I catch myself doing it I make amends. Then I pass the same shit on, I have three sponsees and I never tell them what they should or shouldn't do. I tell them my experience, they apply it how they see fit. Being open minded and unselfish is pretty much all there is to it, a lot of people get very dogmatic though. 12 steps is not the only way to go, but it's certainly up there for the most thoroughly explained and accessible path.

Probably rock bottom was what I needed. My folks blew a shit ton of money I'm sure they didn't have on sending me to rehab but I think it took seeing the resigned look of hopelessness on everyone's faces when they looked at me to get me to change. Literally conversations stopped when I walked in and everything became tense. Just because I was in the house. I hang at my friends places now and see how normal their families are and I feel like shit because I had that too. My folks are nice but I can tell they are waiting for me to fuck up again. It's been over a year so far so I'm hoping it sticks.