
Experiblack Wank Edition

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>not mourning vektor edition
kys yourself

I like Abbath.

Reposting myself like a good little cuck:

I can't be the only person who thinks this is terrible:

It's just... notes. Nothing really going on as far as expression goes.

I'm a huge guitar nerd (I even like a lot of shred music others would consider emotionless) and everybody is creaming themselves over this and while I have been paying attention to Jason for a few years (even though I don't like any of the bands he's been in) I can't stand this, possibly because it's so metalcore/deathcore-ish.

djent though

Albums you'd kill yourself to?

Nobody actually cares about cucktor enough to make a dedicated general edition.

>giving a shit about meme bands
kys your yourself today yourtself

Do not forget

we cared enough about the memegla posting though


Just came across these guys. Black metal band out of Louisville Kentucky.



All he's ever been in is deathcore bands, why would his solo stuff be any different?
And it's more the guitar tone that's the issue, any of the shred parts just sound like a fruity synth preset

That's an EP.

it has been very well received by critics though
i don't get it


can you not read

Memegla is a more important band than cucktor. Nobody cares about thrash aka trash metal.

Critics are cock sucking fags
It wasn't that great

EPs are albums. Full-lengths are albums. Album format is not defined by length.

they probably had musical differences

who cares tbqh, dave was vektor, and wrote nearly all of the songs. though they were all very talented musicians. maybe in a year we'll see him resurface with new members.

That album was fucking mediocre

>AnEP(short forextended play) is amusical recordingthat contains more tracks than asingle, but is usually unqualified as analbumorLP.

The universal word you're looking for is 'record'. Both albums and EPs are records.

Even the band knows those critics are ass faggot meme lovers

Which is why it was so overtly praised here. /metal/ loves mediocrity.

>they deleted the post
what did they mean by this

You probably love anal, you bumor.

>All he's ever been in is deathcore bands, why would his solo stuff be any different?
You got me there.

I really don't know why I thought he'd make something different.

Tackiness/cringe aside, I sort of enjoy the new Polyphia stuff since it's semi-catchy and they've completely abandoned the metalcore aspect.

nah. vektor's new one is actually good, but not their best. all of memegla's full lengths are shit.

ok bro

What's the best Opeth album and why is it Still Life?

They are a garbage band, no redeemable quality. What's there to mourn?

First four albums are their only good albums (and they're in descending order of goodness)
the end of a dank meem

Sure hope they do break up

they're all shit

>Pleiades' Dust is an EP
>it's also longer than many albums
Really makes you think.


they were a great band, you just have shit taste. i bet you love grindcore and black metal

I'm with this guy. I fuckin hate Opeth.

No, everything from Orchid to Watershed is great, Blackwater Park is their best album.

I've always hated Polyphia because they sound like if "____ gone DJENT/METAL" youtubers made a band. Same for Plini and all that kinda djent


this is the funniest meme

they were not called cucktor for nothing bro

Dirty was kinda disappointing but goddamn is this an awesome track


what's with IBM and Twin Peaks? Blacklodge's name is a reference to Twin Peaks and now a track about Palmer
pretty cool

what are you guys listening to?

Wait , you guys don't like vektor?

Jesus Christ your a bunch of constrains

They're just contrarians

>liking nu-male music
no thanks

ya, they were called that because Sup Forums is retarded and thinks bad bands are good and vice versa

>*puts on black metal*

>caring about labels
>not just hearing music for what it is

I know it's hard to believe, especially being on Sup Forums, but some people actually have standards and don't blindly suck an album's cock because some hack ass reviewers praised it.

This sucks. You fags said it was a better DSBM album than To Lay Like Old Ashes and Torn Beyond Reason.

repetitive shitty noise. seriously what the fuck is that crap

>I know it's hard to believe, especially being on Sup Forums, but some people actually have standards and don't blindly suck an album's cock because some hack ass reviewers praised it.

T. Smelly southern American who only listens to death metal


that song is neither repetitive nor noisy, what the fuck are you on about

It is you pleb

As if anyone could ever get offended by the lazy insults of someone who unironically enjoys Vektor.

You're your own insult, and no one can top it.

>my shit taste thinks a band is bad, so you're insulting yourself

wow that is so fucking bad. end yourself


not an argument

well, uh, alright user, i'll follow up on that advice

Nope, their first four albums are their best and the debut is better than anything else they've done. Sorry. Still life is a great album nonetheless (their fourth best!)

>implying a want to argue with a retard

Ad Hominem: The last resort of the defeated. Keep at it.

I feel the same way about Polyphia, but the new Plini was surprisingly fun without dipping too much into chuggalug djent territory.

try opeth or vektor if you want some good music

fuck you, you retarded nigger

i think you mean cucktor and poopteth


pointing out facts isn't ad hom, and calling out ad hom isn't even applicable since I wasn't arguing with you. also you sound like a newfag that just discovered fallacies from pol


>le good bands are bad meme xD
Sup Forums really does have shit taste

Plini always struck me as more Holdsworth/Petrucci worship then chug djent. More Animals as Leaders/Muzak played on 8 strings than nu-metal played on 8 strings

ok my man
>I wasn't arguing with you
I know you weren't. In order to be arguing first you need an argument.

>le bad bands are good meme xD

>constantly shit on a band
>go on an all out shitposting spree when said band breaks up

where did daddy touched you at night, anons?

then why did you accuse me of ad hom if you knew i wasn't arguing?

Let's turn Bathory into a meme like cucktor.

>tfw they' entered Oblivion
>tfw they became Dead Creators
>tfw they Collapsed
>tfw they met a Black Future
>tfw they entered Outer Isolation from Vektor
>tfw they went Terminal

kill yourself immediately

Well nu-males do love Bathory after all so it won't be hard.

Here's a couple of my favorite albums of the year.


>Number 7 on RYM album of the years
>Praised in every review it's had
>"I-its s-shite"
>"M-muh favorite br00tal death-grind band on youtube only has 300 views and it's vektor fault!"

t.vektor-hater that tries putting vektor fans in abad light

well my favorite band is still together

That sentence implies a contradiction that doesn't exist


t pleb


>Not liking objective opinions

>these threads

Theres a difference between being popular and being popular and well reviewed/received

Nice try you little shit bag :))

Wait until that guy who carves up his leg starts posting his nudes again.

/metal/ is shit, I don't know what im still doing here

Why take part in it then, you self-loathing little faggot
I agree, there IS adifference. For example, Vektor belongs to the former category

witchy, buddy, end this
these threads can't go on

that would be an improvement on every level right now

For me it's Periphery III: Select Difficulty. The best album of the year.