Genitalia is not attractive...

Genitalia is not attractive. Nothing with that much loose skin and consistently terrible smell could ever be considered alluring.

Prove me wrong

I don't care, it's still fun.


Oh my, Jessie Slaughter has grown!


Well apparently the human race as a whole has proved you wrong by continuously reproducing.

>Consistently terrible smell
You and your sexual partners either don't bathe or you're a virgin


bathing&showering does not make miracles.

and when it actually covers the natural piss/shit/sweat/period/extrafluids smell, it only lasts a few minutes

>prove me wrong

That's an opinion you fucking idiot. You can cut your dick off for all I care, but I like the look of a well kept pussy.


>Prove me wrong
Dicks are attractive, don't have loose skin, and don't smell that bad, dicks are genitalia. There.

it doesn't smell bad if they have decent fucking hygiene.

Dicks are attractive to gay faggots like you

She needs a better diet then. What you put in your body affects how you smell.

OP is a faggot though, and he's asking the question.

this honestly looks weird and gross to me

normal vaginas can be scary, yes, but they are also awesome

Aw shit


ah, you must be Japanese. or an american. weird anti human fetishes that deny the attractiveness of the musty smell of the human body, the sweet sebaceous milkiness and acrid tang.

I pity you.

There is no flaw in my logic mate.


My gf can go for a run and apart from being a bit sweaty and smelling a bit salty shes fine to go down on. If a bitch stinks shes got diet issues or a yeast imbalance. As for looks i think dicks looks nice and i love a nice trimmed pussy, perhaps if you weren't an uber virgin you would appreciate them more

that's one reason I'm into kids

hornyness makes it very attractive