is /tv excited for DC's Rebirth? Which issue are you looking forward to? Are you gonna cop that Rebirth issue on this Wednesday?
Is /tv excited for DC's Rebirth? Which issue are you looking forward to...
>Another fucking DC universe reboot after New 52
>laughing problematic chav in a red sweater.webm
Nice thumbnail of a stamp.
Have we finally become Sup Forums incarnate?
Fuck off Sup Forumsmblr you piece of dogshit
This. I'm out. I'm an oldfag (34). I remember Zero Hour, Infinite Crisis, Final Crisis (which had bizarrely the least effects on DC canon afaik despite being the biggest Crisis since COIE), & Flashpoint/Nu52.
I honestly just can't keep up or get straight in my head who DC characters are anymore and their histories. It's honestly too much with too many versions and retcons that I am totally lost upon reading almost any DC book nowadays.
I also don't think Johns really understood Watchmen as it was the story, plot, world, etc that were important. The characters were just ciphers or archetypes used for the story.
Marvel, Image, & 2000 AD suits me fine in my old age. DC is for the kids I guess. Too hard and confusing to follow for us oldfags.
get these fucking threads out of Sup Forums
I love how this event is clearly geared to coincide with the MASSIVE SUCCESS that BvS was supposed to be.
Who's idea was it to reboot the DC universe AGAIN?
It's suppsoed to be a retcon of the reboot because Johns hate new 52