What makes you think that a multi-millionaire, who was born rich mind you...

What makes you think that a multi-millionaire, who was born rich mind you, really gives a shit about your average citizen?
Hillary isn't any better either, wake up sheep.

It isn't the POTUS job to care about the average citizen. Unlike Bernie, Trump isn't going to babysit you in your safe space.

interesting - earlier in the day Inoticced a new sort f post happening - critical of trump to start with, but saying hillary is no better. just like this.

subtle - it is aimed at those who think trump a buffon, quite rightly, but then it makes the false association with Clinton - undermining her as well. an attack on clinton supporters, disguised as an attack on trump.

where it gets even more interesting is that in that thread we started to see multiple posters quickly posting the same sort of message. If someone was critical of trump you would get three or four answers that used the same argument, often using the same insults "Dumb nigger" was common to several.

then when anyone suggested it was shilling for trump there were a flood of claims about the DNC emails - claiming lots of stuff was in there that isn't, and refusing to give quotes or examples.

the responses when asked for quotes were again fast and multiple - and often used the word "spoonfed" even when it was made clear that the poster had read the emails and done their homework, and was just pointing out that the emails did not containt he lies that were being put forward.

then an accusation of it being Putins lie factory bots was made - and a flood of back to the future graphics appeared within a minute. - all trying to suggest that this was paranoid old fashioned cold war stuff, without ever arguing that of course Russia would never be pumping out propaganda or shilling for Trump, oh no, they are our friends and allies and do not approve of Trump's anti Nato andti Eu annti Ukraine policies, and they have never given him money, no no,

deflecting criticism with the same lame joke.

Has Sup Forums been infiltrated by the Putin boys?

inb4 back to the future, cold war is over (oh no it isn't!) dumb nigger and hillary will rig the election just like she did the primaries look at the emails...

The more I see how much the establishment of both parties don't want him in the White House the more I want him to be there.

>It isn't the POTUS job to care about the average citizen

sorry mate, but that is exactly what the POTUS job is.

name one president that ever gave a shit about the average citizen

because everyone with a brain does not want this idiot, I will vote for him

there fixed that for you


you dumb fuck he doesn't, none of them do

he's throwing it for hilary haven't you heard of this pay to play bullshit and the clinton foundation


Clinton. Carter. Ford, I think, maybe regan. Possibly, sometimes, Bush Senior. Kennedy. Ike. Roosevelt.

you think FDR didn't care about the average man?

fuck off with your stupid cynicism, you undereducated child.

not much - what does it mean?

Well then what the fuck do we do. I at least try and think that way, that they see him as a threat. If half of the country for the last 200 years has said the president is fucking retarded and that everything he does is completely wrong then what does it matter

Thank you for correcting the record
Now #Imwithheronherwaytoprison

hillary can't fix this

trump can't fix this

the election is a reality TV show designed to keep you from learning that we live in a bubble economy about to burst


If you think any politician gives a fuck about you then you are a stupid as the comment you just made.
get a job and stop praying for a president that will take care of you.


I think he cares about america, I think he has a crazy amount of pride (he's a nationalist so that's hard to dispute otherwise) he's 70 so he obviously wants the country to be good for his kids and their kids. The best way he knows how to aco plush this is to make the middle class as wealthy as possible and reduce the people living in poverty to an all time low. He probably wants cultural homogeneity as well as it'll reduce our crime rates massivly).

So does he care about every citizen? Probably not any more or less than anyone else. But dies he want the average American to live a comfortable life, able to lift their head high and say they love their country? Absolutely.

Hillary on the other hand was mentored and funded by george soros (she admits this, this isn't a conspiracy) soros is the same man who mentored Merkel and gave her the Islamic migration plan. Hillary doesn't care about the citizens or the nation, she cares about money and globalism.

So yes. If we are comparing the two, I'd say trump cares about citizens morethan hillary or any recent politician for either party.

>trump (future)
>teddy roosevelt
>John Adams

>Every politician who has ever lived didn't care about anyone else
Calm down, Michael Moore. You're just as close-minded as the slave to Trump and Clinton. Politicians are people too, and they HAVE done things for the interest of others in the past.
And not every U.S. president has been some upper 1% sellout.

Everyone agrees that politics in America and the two party system are corrupt and broken. Voting for Hilary will just continue this mess. Getting Trump in there might mix things up because he might be so horrible people will start to realize change is necessary. You can't make an omelette... so vote Trump for a better America.

Well you just made my point Hillary isn't any better and Trump wouldn't get the support from Congress to do his off-the-wall stuff the only hope is that Trump wouldn't f*** anything up for the next 3 years until we could get a true right wing Conservative Republican in office.

>aco plush
Fucking auto correct

no they have not said that. Ok, they said it about Bush jnr, but he was retarded - everyone knew it was Rove in the chair. But we have never had another candidate in all of history, that has been so roundly dispised and distrusted by everyone - his own party, the judiciary, the intelligence community, the army, the senate the congress, and everyone, as well as the opposing party. Every other condidate has been acknowledged as a worthy opponent, even if they disagreed with their policy. every other candidate has been seen as sincere, and capable.

Trump is none of those things. he is deeply unqualified.

I had a great boss once, really cared about his employees, right up until the company went under. I had another boss who didn't even know my name because he was always out working on business deals. Still work for him, lots of work and lots of pay. I tried to pay my rent once with good feelings and intentions but my landlord was a real dick about only accepting money.

Fucking, this.

I hate shit libs complaining about the establishment and how they don't care or get shit done

So then when you suggest a new idea they freak out

>no I want more of the same

Example :
>I hate bush
>he's bad and did wars and no child left behind and common core and debt
>let's vote in Obama and hillary
>who supported and continue the war, no child left behind, common core, and debt
>let's pretend they're our ideas and are great ones

But I DEMAND that someone else pay off my $100,000 liberal arts women's studies degree that I signed up for!!!

isn't Trump ahead?

I mean just look at his audiences.

then look at Hillary's.

it's pretty obvious that Trump will win. these debates are pointless.

We need hillary vs trump debates so we can watch her fumble on stage. She's afraid to combat trump because all she can do is cry that he hurts her fee-fees

Demographics are changing radically, and rapidly. White conservatives are literally dying off. America's not becoming - but 'became' a liberal country. Texas is a swing state. Hillary's winning in Georgia.

The GOP is dead. Its ideals are dead. White racists abound - but there are way more Hispanics, than there are white bigoted republicans.

Conservatism died in Cleveland, during the RNC. Democratic Socialism is the new order of the day in America. Whites in the south/Midwest don't matter anymore. And matter less, and less, every year.

>Democratic Socialism is the new order of the day in America.
which is why bernie lost...

he was the first. the term 'socialism' isn't scary. stupid white racist conservatives made it scary. Bernie is the first. we're a newly-liberal country. yes, Bernie is the first - of perhaps thousands of socialists. his loss was to be expected. in 2024, a Bernie will win though. And again in 2032. And in 2040.

the white racist patriarchy died in 2016.

firstly, I am not in America. Secondly, I used to be very active in politics, in my own country, and knew a number of politicians at national level. I worked for an MP, and met ministers and briefly, two Prime Ministers, socially, not just in formal meetings. I found that the people I worked for cared very much. Passionately.

so my experience I think contradicts your inexperienced prejudice.

your cynicism is not unusual, and maybe warranted to a certain extent - watching the antics of the Republican movement in the last thirty years I would agree that they don't give a shit. I would not agree with that about the progressive side of politics, and Clinton is a progressive. I think she cares a lot.

It is why she got so annoyed about the questioning about when the intelligence people determined the cause of the bhengazi attack, and sid that frankly that did not much matter to her, what mattered was finding out who did it and bringing them to justice, and making sure it did not happen again.

which is the difference between her and the Republicans - all they were looking for was a scandal and blame game and pinning some point on her. she was actually trying to get shit done.

Trump is an anarchist??/1!!/?

Yeah china looks so much better than the progress of the west.

Why won't you democratic socialists move to the people's Republic of korea? It's literally what you want in a nation.

>tfw no response to your tl dr post :|

I'd say everyone was well within their right to question their intelligence when they tried blaming the attack on a youtube video.

He is the description of establishment elite. He bought and paid for the establishment for decades and now claims to be different from . At the same time he hired establishment economic advisors like Larry Ludlow to devise a tax plan that gives tax breaks to guess who: the establishment

If this white racist patriarchy existed, it would never die without violence. Pure numbers couldn't defeat it without violence. If it existed, it would maintain power through apartheid if necessary. It clearly doesn't exist and is just a scare tactic/ dividing point.

>tax breaks to guess who: the establishment
along with everyone else.

Elections are every 4 years, retard.

I don't think it is obvious that Donald wants the best for his kids - other than to screw one of them. He wants the best for him, and always has. He has never served his country in any way - always the Donald comes first.

His tax policy and economic policy, as far as he has one, is likely to utterly destroy the middle class and the poor. and that little phrase cultural homogeneity - you mean ethnic cleansing, don't you?

Hillary on the other hand has served in public life and campaigned for the rights of women and minorities all her life.

your last line is just incredible - the idea that he cares about anyone but himself is laughable, the idea that he cares about ordinary people more than Obama, Clinton (bill) or Carter, or even Bernie, is just ridiculous.

the socialist will lose every other election

If he cared about the middle class even a little bit, he'd stop send ing manufacturing jobs over seas.
I'm sorry but you either are ignorant of the facts or you are just completely gullible and have been fooled by his new york salesman bull shit.

>is likely to utterly destroy the middle class and the poor.
why? my taxes would only be 10%. that will boost me, not destroy me.

>If he cared about the middle class even a little bit, he'd stop send ing manufacturing jobs over seas.
or he'd make it so it would be less economically beneficial to send jobs overseas by lowering taxes and regulations on manufacturing. you can't blame him for doing what is best for his company.

see also see above

interesting - fiant praise for trump, sublty undermine Hillary

also, the same argument the hard left has always used - vote for the bad guy until it is so bad that the revolution comes...

shill much guys? $500 a month?

Oh really? What tax break am I getting with my middle class salary? How is he reducing spending also? Do tell...

did you look at his tax plan? i'm middle class and will pay less than half of what i pay now in taxes. i'm sure you will too.

Snap your kneck and that's one less lost soul.

I can when he doesn't practice what he is preaching. Just shows that everything he says is pretty much salesman bullshit

>Hillary campaigns for women and minorities
When she's not threatening husbands rapees or having photos with KKK leader.

I am sorry you have been so unlucky in life.

I had a great boss once, made millions. I had another, he retired early, after making not quite a million. I became a boss - sold the company and retired at 52 years of age. I was never a fraudster, never went bankrupt (how does a casino go bankrupt - either gross incompetence or gross fraud) and never refused to pay someone for work done, never got sued over a thousand times, never had every bank in america refuse to do business with me.

you think Trump is a good businessman or a good boss? he is a lying fraud who will do jail time for Trump University.

I have and I did not see any thing that is specific for the middle class.

That's not even counting that economic experts have repeatedly stated that his plan will be an economic disaster for this country. That's not going to help me much either.

he does practice what he preaches. he says companies will send jobs overseas when it is more economically beneficial. he wants to make it less economically benficial. he is not preaching that companies should keep manufacturing here with the system as it currently is.

There are plenty of companies that already keep jobs here. Why can't he?

there are very specific tax rates for different income brackets. it doesn't say "middle class gets this" it says people earning this only pay this.

you do know that every single trump voter truns out to see him - so 5000 turn up. the other 95000 in the town don't. they vote Hillary.

Trump looks popular, but so does Aerosmith - just because you can draw a crowd and fill a stadium does not meant that the majority of people in the country will vote you into office.

Not the same user here,

I think that representative democracy (voting for somone to represent you) is anti democratic as it does not promote debate, gives rise to authoritarians and you are basically voting for somone to make your decisions for you rather than making those discussions yourself.
Politicians often act in their own interest, they throw around buzzwords, avoid issues and lie to fit there needs

>white racist patriarchy

Awww is someone here a cuck who is afraid to be a grown up?

Poor baby. I know, it's never your fault you're a failure it's the invisible boogie man.

I hope trump is every bit as agressive as your ilk thinks he is. I know trump is nothing like he's made out to be in the media, but I hope to fuck he turns out to be

I hope he grants white males this privilege none of us have ever seen yet. I hope he gives us legalized private vigilante groups with access to fully automatic guns, I hope he kicks out all the shit skins and forces women back I'm the kitchen. Why? Because then when we live in a country with almost no crime, a high standard of living, record low rates of poverty, suicide and depression, and even the most devout feminists begin to realize tha all they ever wanted was to be a house wife, every citizen would regard him as the greatest leader since Washington or licolin, and the west could sit back and start working on making the world more civilized again

why should he if it costs more money? he wants to make it not cost more. you're not going to get companies to keep jobs here by telling them "well it'll cost you more, but it's the right thing to do."

Bull fucking shit. They hated Clinton, bush Sr lied about taxes, Regan was a on the fact he was a semi modern FDR that people just like to hear talk. Carter and Ford........come on. It's the truth. the opposite goes against the other. And that's the fucking problem, if people stopped acting if their candidate doesn't get elected the US will plumit into disarray. Everyone on the right said "Obama ain't been doing anything long enough to be President" it's a misinformation landfill. And until a large group of many different people push us all past the idiotic thoughts people believe as truth...fucked...we're all fucked

well previous attacks had been triggered by cartoons for fucks sake...

The Democratic Party in America would be considered a right wing party in Europe

amazing how ill educated you can look when you leap from liberal socialist to North Korea as an example.

learn to political ideology and maybe learn something.

Well at least you're not shill. If people vote for Jill Stein or Garry Johnson I don't mind but if people vote for Hillary they are voting for obvious corruption.

Hillary will be in for 8.

demographically, the GOP will never win another Presidency.

and I don't think any party that arises from the GOP's ashes will learn from the GOP's fatal flaws of shunning Hispanics/gays/blacks/women/the poor/middle class etc.

and so liberalism will keep on winning (particularly given that SCOTUS will be liberal for the next 50 years at least).

quite - interesting isn't it? the same sort of arguments and non arguments are being deployed here - although no one has done a back to the future - perhaps they got called off and changed the playbook?

>just like she did the primaries look at the emails...

>cites something immensely disconcerting in the politcal process that actually happened

>treats it like "oh but that was SOOOOOO last week!! Y U STIL CARE WITE PEEPOL??? XD"

You typical shallow libtard hard at work. How's your wife's mulatto son doing, user?

>(particularly given that SCOTUS will be liberal for the next 50 years at least).
so, the courts will give the socialists the elections? sounds like a real good system you got there.

well, violence may come. trump is setting up to lead the white supremcaists into violence when he looses, as he already knows he will. he is already spreading lies about vote rigging and so on - while he knows his numbers are shit and he is going to be landslided out of existence.

As soon as Hillary does for the email debacle

you're lying. the only beneficiaries of trump's tax plan are literally the super rich.

you will still pay your same rates.

it's funny, because stupid people like you will die to defend multimillionaires and billionaires' tax breaks - and spit in the face of the working poor. you vote against your best interests. you hate the middle class.

you really do subscribe to shit memes and lies, don't you?

spot the Republican Fox viewer with a subscription to Infowars

Neither one of them will be President for 8 years. fact.

meh, the conservative scotus literally gave gw bush the election in 2000.

although we'll likely not see another election decided by SCOTUS in US history.

no, The People will decide the President. and demographically (I still don't think you republicans know what that means), the country will keep electing liberals.

>more civilized

I don't think you know what these words mean.

>implying trump could be President for even 1 day


Exactly so how can you say the middle class is getting a tax cut? Just because in a speech he says "everyone is going to pay less"
Does that mean the wealthy get a large tax break while the middle class gets thrown a small bone like during the busy years?


Why not? What's good for America is good for busines.

You know what I want? I want all the SJWs and cultural marxists and anti-capitalists in the US to finally get up off their ass and make their move and "sweeping changes to the US economic system." They never will, and you know why? Because they know that the day they all publicly reveal themselves and are forced to publicly stick to their guns and enforce their ideology, is the same day they start dropping like flies. They seem to be stuck in a pretty hilarious cognitive dissonance state of mind, where they all believe

>"We are on the right side of history!!"

and that

>"People will not be able to stop the change we are bringing!!"

...while at the same time fully realizing that sort of change at this stage can only realistically be done through force, which they ultimately lack, and body numbers, which they ultimately lack. They tried to do it subtly and in baby steps, but they bungled that approach, and now everyone is on to them. They lack the fortitude to come out from behind their bitch-blogs and tiresome op-eds and be proactive about all these "changes" they constantly whine about, and assure each other are actually happening. They lack the fortitude because they know once they start trying to play with the big boys, they'll get eaten alive. They know that any physical, forceful means toward their ends would be a pathetic, highly-ineffectual display.

So yeah, I WANT the libtards to finally nut up and get proactive. I WANT them to march on Capitol hill in all their Tumblr/Femmypeeny glory. I WANT your typical American to see them for what they are: a fucking cultural sarcoma on the face of the US, loaded with bad posture and lipids and bad dye jobs. Show America the face of your "utopia" SJWs, I absolutely fucking dare you. You won't, and everyone (including you) knows why, and that's your ultimate shame.

You sound like a mad man.

...... what the fuck are you talking about. saying you read way to far into that is like saying you figured out a divinci code out of a Dr. Seuss book.

And to say one day....all presidents take vacations. Maybe it would be that day

then why not mention her first?

>demographically, the GOP will never win another Presidency.

>most of Boomers = voting Trump

>more Gen x than was initially thought = voting Trump (because let's be honest, we've seen this """""progressive""""" shit before in the 90's and it was stupid then too)

>most importantly MORE MILLENNIALS than anyone ever expected, voting Trump

>most white people in the US in general = voting Trump

>the military = Trump

>law enforcement = Trump

But please, keep dining out in articles written half a decade ago talking about "GOP will die with teh Boomerz!" while not having any real grasp on the demographics of current-day USA.

>complains in a Sup Forums post about how left wingers never protest and their beliefs only exist on the Internet

No zero self awareness detected

whereas you are a shill, perhaps

same throw out a little bit negative and then follow up with negative on Hillary tactic...

it is easy to throw around phrases like "obvious corruption". not so easy to substantiate your smears..

>>cites something immensely disconcerting in the politcal process that actually happened

no, it didn't. that is the point - there is zero proof, or even zero hint that it was rigged. the emails do not show that the primary was rigged. three million votes more - that is what she got, and not a single bit of evidence to show how that was rigged. the idea is ridiculous - and the emails do not show anything like what is being claimed.

there is no smoking gun - and simply saying there is does not make it true.

Yes they are both shit. But they are unfortunately our choices.

Damn boi you right

the email thing was not illegal. no matter how the Republican shillbots scream. Learn to law. also, no charges. Learn to legal process. Also, no court case. Trump did something illegal, is facing charges, and will be in court.


Fuck you op this is old news, and wtf are you going to do about it?

then why does he's new policies fuck up for him, his company, his family and other rich people. which is why he is being attacked by the media by the way.




because this is subtle anti hillary trolling by sophisticated russian shills,