Your friends and family have to sit down and listen to the most controversial album in your collection...

Your friends and family have to sit down and listen to the most controversial album in your collection. How fucked are you?

>mfw it'll be a Hornets of the Pogrom listening party


>"I can't understand anything he's saying, this is garbage."
>Family tunes out rest of album

Great. My family thinks I'm in Isis.

...I...don't think have any controversial albums, though.

Ugh what are you, mature and well-adjusted?

idk a lot of the "niggers" sound pretty clear

I'm almost 19 and miserable...So...maybe?

The most controversial album I can think of having is MAYBE one of Jay Z's...(?)


no they fucking dont you racist piece of shit!

Eh, maybe.

If they did catch one you could possibly argue your way out of it. Just say that bands like these are effectively playing the role of the villain and are bringing to life something they see as evil. People don't think Ralph Fiennes is a monster because he played Voldemort in the HP films, for instance.

Not always TRUE, but it could work.

This is what I sometimes tell people when they find out I make nsbm. I just tell them I'm playing the part of the villain

You don't have any black metal, death metal, grindcore, or power electronics?

Fuck no. I hate most of those.

The most 'metal' thing I've ever had on my ipod is System of a Down.

Yeezus was pretty controversial among critics when it was released

>Peter Soros - Buyers Market

OP I am going to be fucking institutionalized.

I wouldn't be ashamed by any of the metal or punk or whatever, but I have a couple kpop albums (really not even into it that much, they're kinda shit) that I'd be embarrassed of lmao

idek how they would respond, boredom?

I bought the CD for a dollar at a thrift store solely for it's meme value

Forgot pic

lol fuck im a gay neo-nazi now

I can't decide what's controversial anymore.
but for edgy I will go with "Art Is Over" by Gero.
I will just leave the box on the table and let the suffer conceptual impact.



ya im gonna enjoy this

Kendrick Lamar's " To Pimp a Butterly" is pretty controversial. I wouldn't mind because my family is Mexican. Only problem is that my dad understands English and will translate it to everyone. This would be special because they don't like swearing and are not so fond of black people.


same here

Birelli Lagrene
>it's unlistenable, no-one would like me, they'd don't all leave, but end up staring at the walls trying to pretend my Razzle collection isn't on full view

Considering my parents are both very socialist I'd probably get my shit kicked in at the opening hitler sample.
I'm not sure telling them I just think the music is cool would fly despite it being the truth.

I'd be sweating very hard



If it was just listening to the music, they might just give me a few confused looks and laughs for the first few tracks, I can imagine it - "You actually listen to this noise?" etc.

The last track, which is a bunch of real sound clips of interviews with abused children, 911 calls of children involved with domestic abuse, etc... yeah, maybe not.

If this also included reading along with the lyrics and getting to see the front cover.... Yeah, there'd be a few people who'd probably never look at me in the same way again

>probably never look at
You wish. . .

You raise an interesting question OP.

What makes music "controversial"? Politics? Dissonance? Aggression?

the sound clips would confuse them and the music itself would just give them a headache. But they all know I'm an edgelord so no one would be surprised really

any brainbombs album. i have most of them

Niandra Lades and Usually Just a T-Shirt
not really controversial, I guess Im normie-tier


yeah you're very fucked

Depends what you're going for.
If you're going for a more abrasive sound I got some jazz, hip hop and rock that's more "rough around the edges".
If you're looking for a freakout I've got some psych shit that's pretty far out.

i'm black so this zeal and ardor album with black metal + african spirituals would probably make some people upset

My family already have listened my most controversial albums beacuse i always use speakers in the house


>Two good songs and the rest is lazy racist anti-white garbage
My dad's white and hates black people so I'm fucked

they already know and like similar music
wouldn't care much
halve wouldn't care, other halve would think i am some kind of school shooter type

Same as this guy


Music isn't about the lyrics you ungodly normie faggot

It will probably be the same album for me, OP. Honorable mentions go out to GBK - Mocking the Philanthropist, Skrewdriver - Boots and Braces, and of course, any NSBM.

oh the irony

lmao you can't be racist against white people

Is mac tonight controversial anymore?

Content wise, can it get more controversial than buyer's market?
I know it can get harder to sit through
Diamanda Galas' Lithanies of Satan, Stalaggh's Pure Misantropia and even some shit like Vsnares' Winnipeg is a Frozen Shithole will have people thinking I should be committed to a mental institution.


potentially this
honorable mention to Iperyt's Particular Hatred and Dragged Into Sunlight's Hatred For Mankind

yeah, this would be the one
absolutely 100% fucked, although i have talked to some people about Sotos' writing so maybe they already expect that shit from me, but even then it's unlikely they would respond with anything other than disgust